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Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:56 pm
by jjmafiae
We cant help people 24/7, sometimes people need to think for themselves :ehem:

Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:58 pm
by Jasoco
Hey. I posted examples of what Löve can do. It's up to the OP to watch them and say "Wow. How do I do that?"

Also, it's been said many times but Löve needs to have a more useful "No Game" screen. Possibly a "load game" button for running a .love that appears when nothing is loaded.

I mean that stuff should be trivial to implement. Put it into 0.9.0 in preparation for release. This is like one of the most asked things.

Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:24 pm
by slime
Jasoco wrote:a "load game" button for running a .love that appears when nothing is loaded.
I'm not sure that's possible.

Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 4:29 am
by Jasoco
slime wrote:
Jasoco wrote:a "load game" button for running a .love that appears when nothing is loaded.
I'm not sure that's possible.
At the very least it needs instructions and a link to the website page where you can learn more.

Just showing a purdy animation and saying "No game!" is not enough.

Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:38 am
by jjmafiae
Yeah, love no-game needs more work.

Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:27 pm
by Ranguna259
Using LÖVE to open a webpage on a browser would be a cool feature.

Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:51 pm
by Jasoco
Ranguna259 wrote:Using LÖVE to open a webpage on a browser would be a cool feature.
This should work last I checked:

Code: Select all

function openURL(url)
	local os1 = love._os
	if os1 == "OS X" then
		os.execute("open "..url)
	elseif os1 == "Windows" then
		os.execute("start "..url)
	elseif os1 == "Linux" then
		os.execute("xdg-open "..url)
		print("OS not detected as OS X, Windows or Linux!")
But an official way would be nice. Just for compatibility reasons.

Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:25 am
by josefnpat
Jasoco wrote:
Ranguna259 wrote:Using LÖVE to open a webpage on a browser would be a cool feature.
This should work last I checked:

Code: Select all

function openURL(url)
	local os1 = love._os
	if os1 == "OS X" then
		os.execute("open "..url)
	elseif os1 == "Windows" then
		os.execute("start "..url)
	elseif os1 == "Linux" then
		os.execute("xdg-open "..url)
		print("OS not detected as OS X, Windows or Linux!")
But an official way would be nice. Just for compatibility reasons.

I prefer adding a fork and quotes to *nix systems.

Code: Select all

function openURL(url)
  if love._os == 'OS X' then
    os.execute('open "' .. url .. '" &')
  elseif love._os == 'Windows' then
    os.execute('start ' .. url )
  elseif love._os == 'Linux' then
    os.execute('xdg-open "' .. url .. '" &')

Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 11:58 am
by Ekamu
I think xiaoxiao's not concerned with this thread anymore but being realistic and looking at this from an unemotional point of view and after what kikito mentioned I understand his anger and (possible troll) comment towards the framework.

The first time I came to this site about a year and a half ago I was really hyped about all the examples, the home page looks really nice and I was sure this would be a fun framework to work with, then when I installed it I was shocked to learn that their was no IDE, or start up message or anything at all that I was used to (coming from RPG Maker and Game Maker type engines). I felt really discouraged and thought to myself "Man this engine-whatever sucks!" then I decided you know something, its not the engine that sucks, I just don't know how to use it.
I then started reading the wiki and teaching myself Lua, watching youtube videos and days later, then months later now barely a year later I can look back on all that saying "this framework rocks!".

My point is he probably never understood like me, what a "framework" really means. I agree that there should at least be some pointer or explanation in the love start up to what the framework really is. something simple and easy for people to understand like some text explanation with some URL links AND THEN you can display the floating piggy. Something like that will help encourage beginners to have a more positive approach.

We all sucked at some-point right.and at those times we get so angry to have limitations, its easy to troll and be a bitch about it especially if others pick off on that energy and diss you. It's a cycle.

Sorry for the lecture (and joining in the fun earlier) but while it was immensely funny and enjoyable to insult this xiaoxiao guy (or troll). It's not what these forums are about. We're better than that right.

Re: LOVE doesn't do anything

Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:07 pm
by Daniel Eakins
I think that while LÖVE is basically one of the best video game creation frameworks, it makes a very bad job at showing it to newcomers.

For example, none of this is shown in any shape or form on the website:
Jasoco wrote:Yes. Löve is completely and utterly useless.

Here are some examples of Löve being completely useless...

(The last three are my useless examples)

The OP is correct. Löve is completely useless. I mean look at that uselessness! So useless.