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Re: Compiling?

Post by _ex_ »

Hmm interesting...
I was thinking in loading compiled scripts in my modified version of the engine,
my understanding is that as long as you compile the engine and script sources in the target platform it would run (in that target platform).
So if I'm only targeting Windows and Mac/Intel I was betting even a Windows compiled version could work on Mac/Intel. Isn't it?

Of course targeting old Mac/PPC could be a problem, you'll need a modified ldump.c:

but those targets are esoteric for small indie game developers.

I understand the concerns of the original poster, coming from a commercial game studio perspective.
even if I pretty know that is easy to reverse compiled sources, the hassle with un-commented and unmaintainable code is just enough to force your probably imaginary clone competition to implement it by themselves. Hypothetically giving you a time window were you can profit.
As for the average Joe gamer, due to the easiness of Lua, compiled source would deter unwanted web "clones" that only destroy your preciously crafted game balance, at lest for some time...

Were I can find the post about the failed distribution with compiled source?
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