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Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:09 am
by Ensayia
Not entirely sure about the ins and outs of the Android Market, but is there any way that LOVE could go up there and maybe cost a few dollars which would be a 'donation' to the LOVE team? I see these type of donor apps all the time and I think members of the community would pay to send a few dollars their way.

Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:53 am
by kalle2990
hagish wrote:I am not sure. but I planned to check the license stuff, upload the code and prepare an alpha apk within the next weeks.
Okay, that seems fair :) Would be quite sad if the licenses got messed up..
Ensayia wrote:Not entirely sure about the ins and outs of the Android Market, but is there any way that LOVE could go up there and maybe cost a few dollars which would be a 'donation' to the LOVE team? I see these type of donor apps all the time and I think members of the community would pay to send a few dollars their way.
There's not really any rules for the Android Market (except from porn, malware and illegal things) so I guess it should be fine ;) I would gladly spend a few dollars on it, and I think others might too ^^

Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:36 pm
by Moe
Finally, it time that I register here, too ;) - short intro: I am also working on the native port :)
kalle2990 wrote:
hagish wrote:I am not sure. but I planned to check the license stuff, upload the code and prepare an alpha apk within the next weeks.
Okay, that seems fair :) Would be quite sad if the licenses got messed up..
The reason for the license issues is convenience during development. The simplest thing (because we would not need lawyers :P) would be to change our build scripts to separately build all libraries instead of one lovely monster lib. We should do it anyway for several reasons, up to now it simply made our live easier, because the build script is faster written.
Ensayia wrote:Not entirely sure about the ins and outs of the Android Market, but is there any way that LOVE could go up there and maybe cost a few dollars which would be a 'donation' to the LOVE team? I see these type of donor apps all the time and I think members of the community would pay to send a few dollars their way.
There's not really any rules for the Android Market (except from porn, malware and illegal things) so I guess it should be fine ;) I would gladly spend a few dollars on it, and I think others might too ^^
As soon as we solve the licensing stuff, we can put a version to the market, I can upload a free version with my account.

Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:41 am
by T-Bone
Moe wrote:Finally, it time that I register here, too ;) - short intro: I am also working on the native port :)
kalle2990 wrote:
hagish wrote:I am not sure. but I planned to check the license stuff, upload the code and prepare an alpha apk within the next weeks.
Okay, that seems fair :) Would be quite sad if the licenses got messed up..
The reason for the license issues is convenience during development. The simplest thing (because we would not need lawyers :P) would be to change our build scripts to separately build all libraries instead of one lovely monster lib. We should do it anyway for several reasons, up to now it simply made our live easier, because the build script is faster written.
Ensayia wrote:Not entirely sure about the ins and outs of the Android Market, but is there any way that LOVE could go up there and maybe cost a few dollars which would be a 'donation' to the LOVE team? I see these type of donor apps all the time and I think members of the community would pay to send a few dollars their way.
There's not really any rules for the Android Market (except from porn, malware and illegal things) so I guess it should be fine ;) I would gladly spend a few dollars on it, and I think others might too ^^
As soon as we solve the licensing stuff, we can put a version to the market, I can upload a free version with my account.
That would be awesome, especially if you were to update the Market version on a regular basis, which is much easier than downloading a new apk all the time.

Welcome to the forums, btw :neko: Hope you'll have a good time here.

Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:42 pm
by firefly2442
Tried this on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus with ICS 4.0.

Downloaded and built from Github hash: dbb56cae2ad3249fa07da2a283b24248c0d28e11

Changed target to 15 for new 4.0 Android version.

Set the ANDROID_HOME path variable or whatnot in bash.

After removing the @overrides for an error in Eclipse, the project seemed to build. Test and fonttest worked fine. Clouds and myZipTest didn't seem to do anything, although the clouds one I couldn't even get to run on the desktop (complained about a missing .wav file).

Anyway, looking forward to more updates. Let me know if you need additional testing on my phone. Cheers. :)

Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:50 pm
by firefly2442
Also, I noticed this in the readme:
t.android_native_screen ** if this is not set, then,h) is called at startup with t.screen.width/height or default pc resolution
Would it be better to use something like this: ... trics.html

as a fallback in case the value isn't set in the lua config file? I don't know much about Android but just an idea. Cheers. :)

Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:48 pm
by kraftman
firefly2442 wrote:Also, I noticed this in the readme:
t.android_native_screen ** if this is not set, then,h) is called at startup with t.screen.width/height or default pc resolution
Would it be better to use something like this: ... trics.html

as a fallback in case the value isn't set in the lua config file? I don't know much about Android but just an idea. Cheers. :)
my guess is that a lot will change now that they are porting it natively.

Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 5:10 pm
by hagish
Probably yes. The first thing is to get to work loves main parts. Then we plan to add the mobile/touch stuff.
But all the current love-android specific things are "unstable". It is likely that they change in some way.

Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:57 pm
by Moe
firefly2442 wrote:After removing the @overrides for an error in Eclipse, the project seemed to build.
Sounds like your Java version is not right. Sorry, I always forget if it is too new or too old if it does not accept @override. Make sure that you use Java 1.5 or 1.6. If you build for Android >= 2.3 you should use 1.6, elsewise 1.5.

Re: State of the attempt to natively port love to android

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:01 pm
by bartbes
I need to remove them, and I'm running 1.7.