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Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:01 am
by bartbes
kikito wrote:I'm no mercurial expert, but it seems a subrepository might be just the right tool for that job.
No, you're not supposed to do all your dependencies that way! I mean, do you want us to add SDL as well?!

Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:31 am
by Robin
If subrepositories are like Git's submodules, then yes, but only the libraries in question are in Mercurial themselves, so you don't have to maintain them. And you have to be able to refer to them by some kind of version tag, because otherwise versions get mixed up.

Then the only problem is that on Linux dependencies are managed by package management, so asking Mercurial to get the dependencies as well would be wasteful.

It's probably not a good idea, I guess.

Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:48 pm
by kikito
I don't know much about hg subrepos, but if they work more or less like a git submodule, your concerns can be addressed. I'm going to assume that they work similarly and start from there (I might be wrong on making that assumption). I'll use git commands here since I don't know their hg equivalent.

When you add a git submodule to a git project, you don't "include" the whole "external" project on your project. Instead, you put a 'pointer' to a specific revision of an external pointer, and assign it to a directory.

But, that directory is empty by default. It will not have any code when your code is downloaded (when you do git clone ...). It only takes a very small space inside the .git directory to store something like "this directory points to this revision of this other repo".

If someone wants to download the submodule, they have to explicitly tell git to download them (with git submodule init && git submodule update). The submodules's source code is then downloaded from its original repositos, not from your own repo; your repo never contains any code belonging to the submodules.

Now, with your concerns:
bartbes wrote:No, you're not supposed to do all your dependencies that way! I mean, do you want us to add SDL as well?!
Yes. And box2d, too. And the other dependencies. It will increase the size of the love repo in less than 1KB.
Robin wrote:but only the libraries in question are in Mercurial themselves, so you don't have to maintain them.
I don't think the "maintainance" would be that much of an issue. You probably already have a 'dependencies' dir where you have all the stuff you need to compile LÖVE. Instead of manually copying it around, just put it on a public repo. It takes less than 5 minutes. It will probably help you save time next time you have to compile LÖVE in a computer that isn't yours.
Robin wrote:And you have to be able to refer to them by some kind of version tag, because otherwise versions get mixed up.
I'm pretty sure that if git is able to do that, mercurial is, too. Those are intelligent chaps.
Robin wrote:Then the only problem is that on Linux dependencies are managed by package management, so asking Mercurial to get the dependencies as well would be wasteful.
Well then the linux guys would have to skip the git submodule init && git submodule update step.

Again, my whole argument is based on the assumption that mercurial subrepos work similarly to git submodules. If they are not, then please disregard this email.

Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:51 pm
by bartbes
This simply is not how it works, I can only say you're doing it wrong. Now, get back on topic or create a new thread.

Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:49 pm
by kikito
I'm sorry. I probably don't know what I was talking about well enough.

Please continue talking about Squirrel here. It's interesting.

Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 7:08 am
by bartbes
Now you're making me feel bad :o: :P, anyway, if you want a more detailed explanation, feel free to pm me.

Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:45 pm
by zac352
Why is it so freaking hard to find an opengl development library? >_<

Anyway, Squirrel compiles (with lots of warnings, like, a LOT of warnings) on my computer, which exploded yesterday, so, uh, yeah. :emo:

Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 1:46 pm
by bartoleo
some time ago I found this:

basically love using javascript (v8) language

Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 5:56 pm
by ishkabible
ok i'm making this from the ground up becuase i hate messing with other peoples code in such quantity's. it will use the following library's to accomplish what love dose.

glfw (for most of what SDL dose for love)
audiere (what OpenAL and SDL_mixer do for love)
boost (for it's timer class)
freetype (for font stuff)

this should yeild the same array of file types that love already supports as well as .flac files. it also takes alot of the heavy lifting off of me.

edit: i was going to use irrKlang becuase it looked amazing but then i realize it was a load of shit and didn't give hardly any control plus it's missing a but load of the functions i want. i found audiere and saw that it is a much better choice.

edit2: ok freetype is easy to use and provides more than enoghe means (though it will take some work) to accomplish the font class object of love

Re: fuzzy love

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:20 am
by icesoldier
zac352 wrote:Why is it so freaking hard to find an opengl development library? >_<
Actually, dev files for OpenGL tend to come with compilers, at least on Windows. If you can, look around your include directories for 'gl.h' - I'm not sure how they do it, but it comes packaged in with minGW and the Windows dev kit. (I don't know your platform, though, so that's hit-or-miss.)

I have not looked at Squirrel at all, but this project interests me, if only for the fact of another script-based game library.