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Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:09 pm
by bartbes
There kind of is a reason for the change though...
Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:20 pm
by Robin
Yes: ... ense.22.29
“The original BSD license contained a clause not found in later licenses, known as the "advertising clause". This clause eventually became controversial, as it
required authors of all works deriving from a BSD-licensed work to
include an acknowledgment of the original source in all advertising material. (...) This clause was objected to on the grounds that as people changed the license to reflect their name or organization it led to escalating advertising requirements when programs were combined together in a software distribution—
every occurrence of the license with a different name required a separate acknowledgment. In arguing against it, Richard Stallman has stated that he counted 75 such acknowledgments in a 1997 version of NetBSD. In addition, the clause presented a
legal problem for those wishing to publish BSD-licensed software which relies upon separate programs using the more-restrictive GNU GPL: the advertising clause is
incompatible with the GPL, which does not allow the addition of restrictions beyond those it already imposes.”
Note that this is very different from CC-BY, which I think is a good choice, because CC-BY only requires mentions with the program/work itself.
Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:46 pm
by Luiji
I just generally think that the Creative Common licenses are not well suited for software.
Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:31 pm
by Robin
Why? Especially CC-BY is basically WTFPL, only you put up a mention of your source, which most people would do out of courtesy anyway.
Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:50 am
by Luiji
Because CC targets art, but I guess there's no logical reason not to use CC licenses.
Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:34 pm
by paccer
is it just me, or is the goo.textinput:setMultiline part broken?
if i call :setMultiline(true) before :setText("hello\nworld"), i get
Code: Select all
goo/objects/textinput.lua:196: attempting to call a string value
using latest git version
calling :setText("helloworld") (text without newline, with multiline set to true) gives "attempting to call a nil value" instead
the line its complaining about seems to be
Code: Select all
local lines = string.match( text, "(.*)\n" )
hope that kinda makes sense
Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:07 pm
by adrix89
Is there anyway to make this work with love 0.7 beta?
Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:09 pm
by Robin
adrix89 wrote:Is there anyway to make this work with love 0.7 beta?
It won't be very hard, probably. Looking at the dates, this is 0.6-era (technically, it still is), and there are few incompatibilities between 0.6 and 0.7. Text origin is the big one, and that is not very hard to change.
Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:59 pm
by adrix89
To get it to work with 0.7
Add the second argument fonts.oldsans12 with 14 in both goo/skin default and dark style.lua and get rid of GOO_SKINPATH ..
Search for fontH in goo/objects button.lua and change it to this -(fontH*0.5) and for textinput.lua delete it
The go to panel.lua and replace the print with self.title, 0, -12)
scrlog.lua in the main folder and find the print and replace it with[i + scrlog.scroll], scrlog.textxOffset, ((i-1)*scrlog.fontHeight))
I'm not sure if its -1 or +1 or none at all,check when you use that function
This should work almost like the 0.6 atleast for the demo
However i don't know why the text is rendered fatter
To get multiline support in textinput set the print too txt, 5-self.textXoffset, (self.fontH*(i-1)))
and the blink rectangle'fill', w+5, 5+(self.fontH*(self.linePos-1)),, self.fontH)
The leading was broken in 0.6 too!!!
Re: Goo: Gui and Animation library.
Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:36 pm
by adrix89
Why isn't there a text outputting?
Anybody knows a way to display text in a panel?
Cause I have no idea how to super.draw an goo object (there is no self)