Vapor - LÖVE Distribution Client

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Re: Vapor - LÖVE Distribution Client

Post by Positive07 »

davisdude wrote:
josefnpat wrote:Please do some research before saying such things. Vapor was designed from the ground up with 0.7.2, 0.8.0 and 0.9.0 + being available. It just needs someone to do that.
My bad. Last time I tried running it with 0.9.0 it threw up a bunch of errors.
He means that the code can be "adapted" or used to run and download other love versions's games (I don't think I got that right but I guess it's understandable). Of course most of the code has to be translated to the new love's API, but even then it's usable.

Also in the games.json you have to specify your love version thought currently 0.8 is the only supported one.

We just need to give vapor more support and a better uploading interface and we are done.

I'll try to help you josefnpat thought I don't really know how to support both versions at the same time... I'm thinking about a .love file that can run .love files maybe but I guess that is a little bit difficult
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Re: Vapor - LÖVE Distribution Client

Post by josefnpat »

Vapor is currently a mess, with the API intertwined with the UI system.

I am currently reworking it in 0.9.0 so that the vapor API will be able to handle multiple frameworks (love 0.9.0 and love 0.8.0). Most importantly, I am also making almost everything into objects! On top of that, I will use my new knowledge of LuaDoc to fully document it, so that developers will have a fun time developing for it.

When I have a rudimentary version working, I will be looking to the community to help write and maintain UI's using vapor's new API.

The main.lua for vapor will look something like this:

Code: Select all

vapor = require("vapor")

v =

ui = require("ui.default")

u =

function love.update(dt)

function love.draw()
With a "v:getGames()" and "v:getFrameworks" you will be able to get all the metadeta you need for the UI.

For example:

Code: Select all

for _,game in pairs(v:getGames()) do
I'm thinking the default UI will be CLI based, so that the community can take a shot at making UI's using loveframes, etc.
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<leafo> when in doubt delete all of your code
<bartbes> git rm -r *
<bartbes> git commit -m "Fixed all bugs"
<bartbes> git push
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Re: Vapor - LÖVE Distribution Client

Post by Positive07 »

Awesome! Tell me if you need help
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