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Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:07 pm
by Jeeper
Karai17 wrote:A quick update:

I've been working on adding a new physics engine, Bullet Physics, to LOVE. Over the past week or so I've managed to get the basics up and running and have recorded a quick little video to show off. We'll be posting our Bullet library to GitHub in the coming weeks as get more functionality in it. :D

Simply amazing and very impressive, looking forward to trying it out! :)


Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:34 pm
by Roland_Yonaba
Karai17 wrote:A quick update:
I've been working on adding a new physics engine, Bullet Physics, to LOVE.
This sounds great, keep it up. I am impressed, this is going really far, awesome!
A small question : As far as I know, LÖVE already has Box2D integrated. Have you ditched it completely in LÖVE3D ? Or is still still available ?
And why choosing Bullet Physics over Box2D ?
I'd just like some explanations on this.


Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:35 pm
by Karai17
Box2D is still available as love.physics. Bullet is a 3D physics engine whereas Box2D is strictly 2D.


Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:45 pm
by Roland_Yonaba
Karai17 wrote:Box2D is still available as love.physics. Bullet is a 3D physics engine whereas Box2D is strictly 2D.
Ah, see. Thanks.


Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:20 am
by Karai17
I re-recorded the previous video in a way that I was able to "fake" a full 60fps. It looks much sillier now that it is smooth. :D

Basically, I was getting about 20fps as a low point during the real-time simulation so I frame limited to 10fps to be safe and then recorded it at 10fps. I then put the 10fps video in Blender and rendered it out at 60fps. That's essentially how complex physics demos are recorded to look smooth, so I gave it a shot and it does in fact look smooth. :D!


Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 2:32 pm
by Muzz
I seem to be getting the same opengl picking up version1.1 on my computer.

Only running an intel hd 5500 on this laptop but surely it should still work with that correct? Apparently this gfx card has opengl 4.3. Also this is on windows 10.


Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 6:33 pm
by Karai17
Can you run the following code and tell me what LOVE gives you for results?

Code: Select all

Also are you running LOVE 0.9.2 or LOVE 0.10.0?


Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:09 pm
by shakesoda
Update your drivers. MS doesn't ship GL drivers.


Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:47 am
by Muzz
Ok i think the problem isn't there when i run shark swimulator, even if i unpack it and run the code there.

So i think the problem probably lies in the 2015/7/26 demo. I'll just use the shark swimulator code base and mess with it there :).


Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:30 pm
by qubodup
shakesoda wrote:Not really an update, but a pretty good showcase for this!

Our LD33 game, Shark Swimulator
Love it!