Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

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Smooth Sailing
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Re: Bombs and Bullets - a 2D RTS inspired by Command and Conquer

Post by Smooth Sailing »

:: BnB ::
dev :: Commander Rad
tools :: Love2D, Blender, Spine, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, Zeplin, QGIS
web ::
progress ::
+ Continuing work on AI logic
+ AI logic will be split into three levels, unit, squad and armies.
- Unit-level logic affects both the player and AI, it's your basic auto-attack, auto-flee and other behaviors. (basically done)
- Squad-level logic is for small groups of units, mainly applies AI, but the player might see a bit of it as well. Mainly for infantry dismount and garrison type stuff (not done)
- Armies-level logic is for groups of squads, only applies to AI. Armies is how the AI will order units to scout, capture, attack, defend, etc control nodes.
+ AI army logic is based on basic dynamic control node information on the map. Basically, who owns what, what nodes are next to each other, the traversibility between adjacent nodes.
+ AI will simply build units according to a build queue, and the AI will group them into squads according to certain weights and conditions. Army will then take ready-made squads.
+ AI build queue logic is done, and it also builds units using the same logic, so that's nice.
+ AI building placement is done. The AI likes to build very square bases, frequently builds crosses and tee shaped bases
+ AI ordering units to get out of the way before placing a building logic is done
+ Lots of AI stuff to still work on yet. Honestly kinda overwhelming. Can't work on anything else, maps, world map, units, rendering, etc.
+ Added a lot of debugging features to see what the heck the AI is thinkin'.
+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here: ... 77eo8PSN1w
+ Version 0.08 released and is available here:
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