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Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:04 pm
by Sulunia
I just realized pressing backspace on a text input field does not erase the text, and setting the text on the field to an empty string also does not work. Any ideas?

Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:34 am
by alberto_lara
Last time I checked, that worked just fine, let me see.

EDIT: I could not reproduce the issue, are you still seeing it? if so, can you provide a .love please?

Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:50 am
by Sulunia
alberto_lara wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:34 am Last time I checked, that worked just fine, let me see.

EDIT: I could not reproduce the issue, are you still seeing it? if so, can you provide a .love please?
I used your library for a small school project about threads. I already showed it to the teacher, but the fact the text won't erase is still bugging me.
(I also apologize for the very ghetto UI definition, I did the whole thing in less than an hour.)

Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:47 pm
by alberto_lara
Ok, I see the problem now, when using GOOi in a desktop environment use gooi.desktopMode() before creating any element.

* You also forgot to add gooi.update(dt) in love.update(dt)
* You need to add as well:

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function love.keypressed(k, code, isrepeat)  gooi.keypressed(k, code) end
function love.keyreleased(k, code, isrepeat) gooi.keyreleased(k, code) end
I think a didn't mentioned all these in the Wiki, let me add them, sorry for the inconvenient.

Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:41 pm
by Dudenheit
Hi! First of all, it's a awesome library and really cool.

One thing, I stumbled several times over is the function setText(string).
If I have a textbox, where the user can write in and I want to fill it automatically with setText(string) it adds the string to the one, which is already in it.


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txt_name = gooi.newText():setText("[name]")
returns a text-box with "[name]" in it.
Now i read the name out of a file and want to offer this as a default-entry.

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txt_name:setText(string_out_of_a_file) --for example "Hotzenplotz"
The result is a Textblock with: "[name]Hotzenplotz"
But the wanted result is just "Hotzenplotz".
Does anyone knows how to fix it? My first attempt was, that gooi has a special function to clean the Textboxes, but I found no :-(

Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:44 am
by alberto_lara
Hey, sorry for the delay, this was fixed a few days (or weeks?) ago :)

Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:50 pm
by Marty
Hi Alberto, your lib looks very promising, nice work on it, it makes a solid appearance.

I'm just wondering, can I use image buttons and image fonts with your lib?

I think it's important to provide a GUI that matches the overall feeling of the game to let it look fancy and juicy. A simple icon in the button isn't enough, tho. Using the default theme (even when changing colors) in a colorful low-pixel game wouldn't look so well imo.

Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:59 pm
by alberto_lara
@modiX yes, GOOi has support for that somehow, use the

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function, it receives a lua string or a LOVE image. I haven't tested this function with all the components though, so thanks for the heads up.

GOOi 0.0.6 os out! (btw)

EDIT: It looks like it works just fine :)
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Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:19 pm
by alberto_lara
now that I see this, maybe a small texture being repeated in X and Y would be more useful, right?

Re: GOOi, an Android-Oriented GUI Library

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:34 pm
by Marty
alberto_lara wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:59 pm @modiX yes, GOOi has support for that somehow, use the

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function, it receives a lua string or a LOVE image. I haven't tested this function with all the components though, so thanks for the heads up.

GOOi 0.0.6 os out! (btw)

EDIT: It looks like it works just fine :)
Thanks for the response, looks nice, I will use your lib for my mobile games from now on =)
alberto_lara wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2018 7:19 pm now that I see this, maybe a small texture being repeated in X and Y would be more useful, right?
That would be helpful in some circumstances.

Can you also set the background to transparent?
When you have any greater texture behind it, it might make more sense to simply put the background transparent and add some semi-transparent effect for clicking and such.