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Re: Erös Alpha Version

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:09 pm
by crow

Erös server, name and forum change.

Hey all I am moving Erös from my Selene-project's to a better server under my
I will also be moving the forum that is hosted at Selene to moko and also Erös is know now known
as Möko The site as to be rebuild as I have a old site there right now so how you guys test the alpha
this will give me time to get a site up.

Thanks all.

Re: Erös Alpha Version

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:42 pm
by flynsk
Is there anything in particular you want us to test in the alpha, or any specific features on which you want feedback?

Re: Erös Alpha Version

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:16 am
by crow
flynsk wrote:Is there anything in particular you want us to test in the alpha, or any specific features on which you want feedback?
I want everything and anything tested I want people to tell me what they will find useful and things like this, A privert dev build as already been
released to my first level betas and seems to be all good so might be able to release a update but I want to hear from more then a few people
before releasing and I want to get the files on the new server so I guess I need to get that sorted lol :shock:

Re: Erös Alpha Version

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:18 pm
by crow
Well I gave it a good few days and we still not getting interest that I would like to see to keep this project alive, so I feel I going to have to pop this project to one side until we are able to find more window users and Love its self is still changing along so maybe my timing was little out, I will still work on it now and
then and I will release alphas and betas slowly but for now its no longer a major project.

I know many say they view this post but if you don't reply and get on the action then I not able to go any where with this project :shock: its a shame really.

Re: Erös Alpha Version

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 8:25 pm
by crow
She May Return :joker: She as in my app for some reason its a she :)

Hey all, I seen a had full of IDE's come out of the clouds at late and I still don't like many of them lol I might have to dust of my code if I can find it and get back to work, I see Love has been updated been along time since I played with it :) but I keep falling over random .love files when I view old CD's or usb drives so who knows.

I don't really want to class my app as a IDE anymore but a windows Love Game Builder as it would build and package your love files but also build love exe games.