jumping tutorial?

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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by toaster468 »

OK, but the variable name is confusing me... The left object on the Y axis?
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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by kikito »

I think he problem is here (in red for improved dramatic effect):
toaster468 wrote:This is in love:load()

Code: Select all

Line 68: leftTileX, leftTileY = tile_X - 1, tile_Y
used to get the tile to the left of the player.

Code: Select all

Line 69: leftTileNo = map[leftTileY][leftTileX] -- will return 0,1,2,3 etc (remember, 'y' goes first when using the map variable)
Toaster, those lines have to be just before the player position is changed. In your case, that is in love.keypress. Not in love.load.

I think that what happens is that you are trying to use leftTileNo inside love.keypress, but you are defining it inside love.load.

Try moving all he new code to the beginning of love.keypress
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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by toaster468 »

Sorry, I have a very object oriented background in programming and I by nature define all of the variables before hand.
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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by toaster468 »

OK it compiles, but I cannot move. I'm going to try and see whats wrong.
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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by toaster468 »

Code: Select all

if love.keyboard.isDown( "left" ) and leftTileNo == 0 then
	leftTileX, leftTileY = tile_X - 1, tile_Y
	leftTileNo = map[leftTileY][leftTileX]
	player_X = player_X - 1
	player_direction = "l"

I think the problem lies here and in

Code: Select all

tile_X, tile_Y = (map_w - player_X)/2, (map_h - player_Y)/2
The last equation may be giving the top one wrong info.
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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by toaster468 »

Yeah, I think I found the problem: I was dividing my 2 instead of 32 to find the tile I was in :ehem:
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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by toaster468 »

Still nothing :(
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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by toaster468 »

I'll try tomorrow, as my saying goes:

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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by kikito »

Ok this is what you need to do. You need to change this:

Code: Select all

if love.keyboard.isDown( "left" ) and leftTileNo == 0 then
   leftTileX, leftTileY = tile_X - 1, tile_Y
   leftTileNo = map[leftTileY][leftTileX]
   player_X = player_X - 1
   player_direction = "l"
To this:

Code: Select all

local leftTileX, leftTileY = tile_X - 1, tile_Y
local leftTileNo = map[leftTileY][leftTileX]
if love.keyboard.isDown( "left" ) and leftTileNo == 0 then
   player_X = player_X - 1
   player_direction = "l"
A very basic programming principle is: don't use a variable before you define its value. In your code, the 'if' is using leftTileNo before it is defined.

It's my fault, I guess. I told you to put the left calculations "right before the player position is updated". From now on, assume that the rule "don't use a variable if you have not defined it before" overrides other rules (there are some cases in which it doesn't apply, but you are still too inexperienced to know about those)

The 'local' is there so leftTileX, leftTileY and leftTileNo aren't 'visible' outside love.keypress. This is a good thing because later on you might want to use those names for other variables in other functions (for example, if you want to make enemies move). Making them local makes sure that those other functions will not inadvertedly modify the values of the variables on this function.
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Re: jumping tutorial?

Post by toaster468 »

OK, good and bad news.

good news: It compiles and I can move.

bad news: It is not stopping my character after it meets a block with the code "1" in the map table.
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