Re: "Questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:18 pm
It did nothing but change the size of my window. Still had borders.
Are you trying to remove the border or make the window resizable? Because they're two separate things. Just add "borderless = true" to that table. Go to the Wiki and look up love.window.setMode(). There's a lot of settings in there to play with.Cryogenical wrote:It did nothing but change the size of my window. Still had borders.
What system do you have? Because I know windows 8 won't get rid of borders unless you make it borderless and make it not resizeable.Cryogenical wrote:It did nothing but change the size of my window. Still had borders.
Code: Select all
local resizeable = false
local borderless = false
function love.keypressed(key, unicode)
if key == "5" then
resizeable = not resizeable
borderless = not borderless
love.window.setMode(1080, 720, {resizable = resizeable, borderless = borderless})
Code: Select all
return content and content:isPassable() or true;
Code: Select all
if content then
return content:isPassable();
return true;
Code: Select all
a and b or c
Code: Select all
(a and b) or c
Code: Select all
return not content or content:isPassable()
Code: Select all
vec4 effect( vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords )
vec4 tex = Texel(texture, texture_coords);
if (tex.r == 0 && tex.g == 0 && tex.b == 0) { // Black
tex.r = PALETTE[0][0];
tex.g = PALETTE[0][1];
tex.b = PALETTE[0][2];
} else if (tex.r == 1.0 && tex.g == 1.0 && tex.b == 1.0) { // White
tex.r = PALETTE[1][0];
tex.g = PALETTE[1][1];
tex.b = PALETTE[1][2];
} else if (tex.r >= 0.5 && tex.g >= 0.5 && tex.b >= 0.5) { // Light Gray
tex.r = PALETTE[2][0];
tex.g = PALETTE[2][1];
tex.b = PALETTE[2][2];
} else if (tex.r >= 0.2 && tex.g >= 0.2 && tex.b >= 0.2) { // Dark Gray
tex.r = PALETTE[3][0];
tex.g = PALETTE[3][1];
tex.b = PALETTE[3][2];
// This will make every pixel of the sprite opaque.
// tex.a = color.a;
return tex;