Need help with my game, Dungeoneer!

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Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:55 am

Re: Need help with my game, Dungeoneer!

Post by LaserGuns »

coffee wrote:
LaserGuns wrote:Okay, do you have any ideas of what I should name it? I can't think of anything else. Maybe something like Stonerealm. Yeah, I actually think I'm gonna use that
It's always good that the name is a personal choice but you don't have to name it for now. If you don't have certain of it or don't feel it's the right one don't rush it. Some experience tell me that better names always come when project goals or features are been developed. So sometimes "ridiculous"project codenames (that never are used in final name) are sometimes the best choices for early stages :)

Why not keep it for now "Project :StoneRealm" then and mature a bit the game so something peculiar in the game gave inspiration to rebrand it. StoneRealm isn't so good as Dungeoneer but later a better name will always appear.
Yeah, but we're about to release the first alpha so I think we should have a name, and Stonerealm fits the game and sounds good
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Joined: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:55 am

Re: Need help with my game, Dungeoneer!

Post by LaserGuns »

coffee wrote:
Wojak wrote:I had a quick look on the code and I noticed you are calling terrain_generate()function in love.update and love.draw (twice per frame – even once per frame is to much for that kind of function IMO), the computer I currently using have a huge problem with ruining the game even if the player is not moving...
Well, their problems go further than that. They keep things tile and not map indexed. So you guys draw in every cycle all tiles pieces in map and don't even test to check if the x/y of tile object is on/off screen. So it's... terrible in performance and organization. Basically and technically the game is screw up in their deep roots.
How could I go about map indexing tiles? Without restarting? I've been thinking and I've decided I need to do it before I get too far.
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