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Re: I published my first game with Love2d - Fire at Will (with source code)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2024 9:49 pm
by Sodium
_PC-Expert_ wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:57 pm Whoever wishes, buys, and whoever wishes, does not buy. Lua and Love2d seem to be very unknown on Envato Codecanyon.
Have you made any sales there yet?
If so, I'm contemplating releasing some asset flip games in the hopes of scoring some easy cash too. :rofl:

Re: I published my first game with Love2d - Fire at Will (with source code)

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:19 pm
by _PC-Expert_
First of all, I can say this about speed: the situation may vary depending on the familiarity of the person concerned with Love2d and Lua. However, just finding suitable and beautiful musics / sounds can take hours. The important thing here is to create a beautiful product.
Sodium wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 9:49 pm
_PC-Expert_ wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:57 pm Whoever wishes, buys, and whoever wishes, does not buy. Lua and Love2d seem to be very unknown on Envato Codecanyon.
Have you made any sales there yet?
If so, I'm contemplating releasing some asset flip games in the hopes of scoring some easy cash too. :rofl:
As Sodium quoted me above; "Whoever wishes, buys, and whoever wishes, does not buy." However, Lua and Love2d are not really known in the Envato Market. For example, Phaser, Construct etc. is more known. This also has an effect. I still decided to halve the price and give discounts in between. I will update it over time, whenever I get the chance. I think those who find it simple will like it over time. Also, although simple, Phaser, Construct etc. I should also point out that there are games made with it that have sold quite a lot.

I can say this about the easy money issue: I don't publish projects with that in mind. I'm trying to do good work. In time, money will come. However, as I said, the reason for a product not selling may be other things. For example, as I mentioned above, that species may not have a market. When people buy the product, they may not know what to do. Of course, these can be resolved over time. Yes, generally speaking, I made a small amount of sales. There is only one sale for this game right now. Frankly, that was when it was at its initial release price of $49 :)

For Lua and Love2d, it may be more advantageous to publish only as game output. Time will show that. For example, or, if it is a comprehensive game, Steam etc.

I wish you good forums.