I had to extract the .love file from the .exe so that I could run it on Linux.
I agree with others already said.
The graphics are nice and many things seem very polished.
But the gameplay is not fun and too hard.
Furthermore, the insect falls too quickly compared to the heaviness of the movement, which makes controlling the movements difficult.
Also one can only move sideways when pressing space to go up.
(It should be possible to move left/right when falling down.)
The flight physics are the core of the gameplay, flying has to feel fun.
Currently it feels annoying.
As a result, right from the start of the level, I would die almost instantly and didn't have time to understand what to do, on top of the timer taking as much time as the game.
I had the same problem. I died several times after two seconds while still figuring out the controls.
Maybe a quick fix:
After loading the level have a text display:
"Use arrow keys to move sideways. Use spacebar to fly upwards.
Press spacebar to start"
That way the player learns about the keys and the gameplay only starts when the player is ready.
Also I suggest to have walls that do not kill but just block movement.
Then add a floor under the player's spawn location. Even better, have the firefly spawn on the floor. So when the player does nothing it will just sit there.
The first level should not be "Game Over" when the player does not instantly start pressing buttons.