Re: Need help on a raycasting light shader
Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2023 10:23 pm
Wow! Thank you for your answers, I finally got back to breaking my head on my shader.
Edit: Modification made, I removed this part in `addPolygon` and `removePolygon`:
And the time of `addPolygon` was downright divided by a hundred and it still works the same in my case!
I would return given my advance as soon as I had done everything, the option I had chosen, etc. Thanks again !
This is roughly what my code was doing even if it could be optimized. By doing tests (of the time spent on each step) it was clearly not the loops of my most problematic function, adding a single polygon could take up to 0.005 seconds some times. It's true otherwise that I had seen that in the code of Lighter (about addPolygon) but I didn't dare to touch it because I didn't want to waste my time too much especially if I broke it. I will try what you said in addition to what Darkfrei suggested.Andlac028 wrote: ↑Fri Jan 06, 2023 7:31 am Make sure, you check only polygons in possible light radius. Also if you move only by one tile, you can make sure that at the beginning, you make add polygons from square with size of 2x radius of light and center of player and then just if player moves right, remove first collumn and add next collumn of polygons.
Also it seems like addPolygon updates light at each call, which can be expensive, so maybe try to simplify polygons or look in the lib, if light could be updated only after all changes to polygon, not on each change.
Edit: Modification made, I removed this part in `addPolygon` and `removePolygon`:
Code: Select all
self.lightHash:each(x, y, w, h, function(light)
updateLight(self, light)
I thought about it too but I no longer had the courage, it was very late, and I should have completely revised the function. But I kept what I had coded with fortunately so I will try to implement what you showed me!
And wow! I absolutely have to read this code in detail to see where I went wrong, that's exactly what I wanted to do, frankly all my respects
I would return given my advance as soon as I had done everything, the option I had chosen, etc. Thanks again !