What exactly limitation you talking about?
Things that you can not do anything about because of the internal design of the engine.
One example is when I was using GDevelop it was not possible to compare instances of the same object.
Just not possible because of the internal design of the engine.
An other example in the same engine is when you make a behavior, it is basically like a component in Unity, it is not possible to reference other objects within the behavior. Just not because of the way the system is designed internally.
With HTML5 powered engines, it is not possible to target game consoles, there is nothing you can do about it so you need to consider this before you use an HTML5 engine for your game.
In Godot I was unable to render more than 500 moving, rotating objects on the screen, was extremely slow and when I searched a way how to do better, basically the documentation admitted Godot is not the right choice if you want to do something like this because of its design.
In Unity even if you lock the rotation of a physics body, in certain cases it can still rotate in which case you need to apply some crazy math to reset its rotation.
Sure there are other engines that can fix this but those have other limitations.
Of course you could also open up the source or create extensions, plugins and add what you need, anything is possible that way but you need to be extremely familiar with the code and the toolchain and the API at which point it can be more simple to start from scratch in a framework.
Yes, but do you really want to trust yourself to make all of this?
Let's just say I don't trust developers of engines to do it for me because they won't. You are not appreciated if you demand anything, you can only politely ask but then you be ignored and it is frustrating if you keep hitting walls and developers doesn't care or doesn't have the time.
With games done in such frameworks there will be no guaranty that you as developer of that game might even think about such stuff, while in engines it might be part of well documented behaviour.
Yes it is certainly possible I forget to think of something but so developers of the other engines or they are just ignorant about it, like the examples I have described above. Sure I be frustrated if I need to refactor the entire engine because of something tiny I forgot to consider at the beginning but it is better if I am angry at myself than other developers because I can do something about myself and my engine but there is nothing I can do about the ignorance and lack of time of other developers.
Sure we can take a turn again toward plugin and extension API's and source codes here but as I mentioned, it is sometime easier to start from scratch than learn how the code of others work.
It's not really good example, considering when game come out it was really bad
Yes it has tons of problem but the engine was fast it is a good example for that reason. It did run at High settings on my 10+ old desktop with GTX 750 Ti perfectly fine while other similar open-world space exploration games powered by Unreal, Unity, CryEngine was unplayable.
might was simple not enough expirience with Unity or unreal.
I haven't personally seen any open-world space exploration game with huge terrains that runs fine with a GTX 750 Ti. But it is perfectly possible it was because of lack of experience but again here we can take a turn back to what I was saying regarding sometime it is easier to start from scratch than try to learn how the engine of someone else work internally. The lead developer of No Man's Sky had the experience to do his own engine and lack the patience to learn how Unity and Unreal works. It is a valid reason in my book.
If something doesn't work in their libraries you either forced to wait for fix or fix manually, which is not really different from engines.
Yes and this is why I am on a mission not to use any 3rd party libraries with Love2D. Of course we can argue, Love2D internally uses 3rd party libraries, same thing but so far I have not hit any bugs limitations in Love2D itself and I am making good progress. I have a very good time with Love2D and this is why my view about frameworks has changed and I learned to value them.
It' actually fixed now, even for 3d, lol.
I meant last time I used Godot, few years ago the bug report was back then already 4 years old.
Glad they managed to fix it now as we get a new navigation system with Godot 4
So you can send them this implementation (if it better or fixes problems) and make life easier for everyone else
Yes but the reason I use engines like Godot, Unity is to make my life easier. If it's not the case, what is the point.
what if you think that game window on linux or windows os shouldn't be reziable? Engines often provide way for end users to workaround this, while your game engine might not.
With Love2D you can change that if the window is resizable or not. But in case you mean what if I forgot to consider resizable windows.
In fact, I have
Just finished the implementation the other week. Now I can resize the window and my engine detect if the window was resized and update the scale and resolution to fit the new size. It was a battle because it was one of the things I did not considered and yes I was angry because I had to refactor lots of things to get it right but I think it works now
As i mentioned couple time, this "bloat" might be something that might be useful for end users and modders.
Sure, more is better. But when the engine takes a long time to launch and takes forever to compile and run a preview and you lose patience to navigate between 100 menus and sub-menus just to tick a box, this is when you begin to see frameworks from a different perspective.
And "no bugs".. well, its sounds very confident tho. And limitations from which point? From you, as developer
Well as far as I am concerned there is no bugs, everything works the way I need it to work. It might change of course if I find a scenario I did not considered but so far all good. Of course it has limitations and yes some of those are my limitations but I learned to accept my limitations. It is not so easy to accept the limitation of other people.
If what you mean is that Godot, Unity, Unreal has no limitations, I do. Guess it is true after all nobody stop me from using their API's and full source to do whatever I want, but as I have mentioned a few times already, not everybody want to learn how the code of other people works and I don't. I did, I was using engines for a very long time but I got tired of constantly working around my way the holes I discover. I just want to do what I want to do, the way I want to do it and that's it.
The bigger game, the more it need technologies, features and integration with such features, the more relevant engines become. Sure, you can write your own engine that provide and implement it, used, for example, 6 months to do, while some unity already might have solution ready for you.
Yes, it is true but you may get to a point when you just get tired of all the bloat and limitations and even if takes longer but you want to take full control instead of navigate around the code of someone else, in between menus and politely ask developers to care to fix the bugs you have. Certainly it won't be the case with everyone, but it is the case with me. It might change in the future and I decided to go back to a game engine but I learned to see the value in frameworks like Love2D and for now I am having lot of fun.