Hey! That's balanced. In brogue and others you can wield a heavy item but because it's too heavy for you your character keeps missing.
No, you miss the point
I'm talking about random chance to hit/miss or being hit/missed
It's really annoing
I don't like miss or being missed because some randomGenerator(1, over9000) says so
The quests do give pretty weak stuff
. But the sheep wand has saved me countless times. Helps to make an escape
Point is, that you have no control over it, for example, at shattered, you have to choose one wand of 2 from wandmaker, so you can decide what what will be helpful for you to play; same for sad ghost
(You mean 25 levels. But I guess you meant like levels (separating on boss fights) and not floors
I suck at english, okay?
Hmm...I guess it's true. But I think the boss battles are nice and varied
If compare original game with shattered, then no, they just feels like stronger mobs, not like unique fights
Swarm of flies are the beeeeeessssst(best)! Go to a corridor and start killing them. Whatever potion they drop is sure to be a healing potion. And there's like a 60% chance they drop one.
Oh, yeah, my favorite:
farming of healing potion
(Pls no, that sucks)
Fortunately, shattered get rid of that farming long time ago
I guess all games get repetitive eventually. Some just get there faster than others
In comparsion:
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I played alot in shattered (and as you can see, i die like ALOT, only 12 wins)
At it still fells new from game to game (because variety of weapons, items, wands, enemies and balance overall makes PD much better)
As i sayed, original game is okay, but why you want to play that, when you have forks, which is much better?
unfair, I guess
and yes, unfair
yet again, in comparsion with shattered, it really feels unfair