Re: 15 minute code challenge - for fun
Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2021 10:14 am
Hmmm. Has more utility. How would you make ws and wd optional so if those parameters were not provided they would default to '1'?
Code: Select all
function somefunction (ws, wd)
ws = ws or 1
wd = wd or 1 -- if wd is not false (nil is false too) then it's wd, otherwise wd is 1
return ws, wd
Code: Select all
function otherfunction (tabl)
local ws = or 1
local wd = tabl.wd or 1 -- if tabl.wd is not false (nil is false too) then wd is tabl.wd, otherwise wd is 1
return ws, wd
ws, wd = otherfunction {ws = 10} -- wd is nil
Code: Select all
map = {}
for y = 1, 10 do
for x = 1, 10 do
map[x] = map[x] or {} -- new table map[x] if map[x] not exists
map[x][y] = math.random()
Hm, tricky. You have to consider map dimensions. You only need to go straight if, when colouring the map with chequered (alternating black and white) colours, you need to change colours; otherwise you do bishop movements. You need to change colours if (1) one of the map dimensions is 1 (then you need to change colours at every step) or (2) the start and end are in different colours (then you have to do it just once).
Code: Select all
local function shortestDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2, ws, wd)
local dx = math.abs(x1 - x2)
local dy = math.abs(y1 - y2)
if map.sizeX == 1 or map.sizeY == 1 then
return (dx + dy) * ws -- edited - forgot *ws
local straight = (dx + dy) % 2 -- number of steps necessary in a straight direction
return straight * ws + (math.max(dx, dy) - straight) * wd
You are right:
Code: Select all
local t, d, s, e = math.sqrt(2), 1, 1, 1
function check_solution (d, s, t)
if math.abs (d/s-t) < e then
e = math.abs (d/s-t)
print ('better solution: d=' .. d .. ' s=' .. s .. ' error:' .. e .. ' 1/'.. math.floor(1/e+0.5))
for i = 1, 100000 do
check_solution (d, s, t)
if d/s > t then s = s + 1 else d = d + 1 end
It's interesting, that 3, 17, 99, 577, 3363 are in d and s for the next best solution, but not much better solution.better solution: d=1 s=1 error:0.4142135623731 1/2
better solution: d=3 s=2 error:0.085786437626905 1/12
better solution: d=4 s=3 error:0.080880229039762 1/12
better solution: d=7 s=5 error:0.014213562373095 1/70
better solution: d=17 s=12 error:0.0024531042935716 1/408
better solution: d=24 s=17 error:0.0024488564907421 1/408
better solution: d=41 s=29 error:0.00042045892481934 1/2378
better solution: d=99 s=70 error:7.2151912619223e-005 1/13860
better solution: d=140 s=99 error:7.2148231681002e-005 1/13860
better solution: d=239 s=169 error:1.2378941142588e-005 1/80782
better solution: d=577 s=408 error:2.1239014147412e-006 1/470832
better solution: d=816 s=577 error:2.1238982250704e-006 1/470832
better solution: d=1393 s=985 error:3.6440355200007e-007 1/2744210
better solution: d=3363 s=2378 error:6.252177442434e-008 1/15994428
better solution: d=4756 s=3363 error:6.2521771981849e-008 1/15994428
better solution: d=8119 s=5741 error:1.0727040367087e-008 1/93222358
better solution: d=19601 s=13860 error:1.8404691104479e-009 1/543339736
better solution: d=47321 s=33461 error:3.157747396898e-010 1/3166814423
There are mathematical reasons Notice that in all cases where that happens, the next d is twice the previous s.