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"Not enough space" error when printing a string
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Re: "Not enough space" error when printing a string
Point is that UTF-8/Unicode characters are coded in multiple bytes. So, if you try crop or get a substring of string, it can cut the string in the middle of an actual Unicode character. E.g.
-- ASCII chars
e.g. get (ASCII) chars 1 to 4 of this string: abcd
-- Unicode chars (emojis)
🥰 (Unicode) = \xf0\x9f\xa5\xb0 (UTF-8 encoding)
e.g. get (ASCII) char 1 of this string: \xf0
You are getting a malformed string or possibly error, because Lua is unable to handle this malformed string.
You should never manually do a substring on Unicode/UTF-8 characters, rather use only Unicode/UTF-8 safe functions to handle any cropping or substring cutting.
See this converter: https://www.branah.com/unicode-converter
enter: 🥰
get (4 bytes): \xf0\x9f\xa5\xb0
remove last byte (3 bytes): \xf0\x9f\xa5
If you accidentally remove subsequent characters, you get a malformed string. Also see "Invalid byte sequences on Wikipedia":
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8#Inv ... _sequences
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Re: "Not enough space" error when printing a string
Seeing how trying to do all of that Unicode handling manually at every corner gets us nowhere, I've made a library. See if it works for you.
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