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Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:48 am
by zorg
raidho36 wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:37 pm No and you really shouldn't even if you could.
You're not stopping me from wanting to make a desktop assistant with löve eventually. :3

Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:17 am
by raidho36
You shouldn't because it means the window will not be fullscreen and if it's a video game then that will detract from experience. Plus, it's a long standing convention that windows and any viewports in general are square, making it different shape would be jarring to people and will add nothing of value, it's only a gimmick that people can do without.

Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:28 am
by 0x25a0
raidho36 wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:17 am You shouldn't because it means the window will not be fullscreen and if it's a video game then that will detract from experience.
Games come in all shapes and sizes :) not all games need to be playable in fullscreen.
Plus, it's a long standing convention that windows and any viewports in general are square, making it different shape would be jarring to people and will add nothing of value, it's only a gimmick that people can do without.
Have you seen Daniel Linssen's Windowframe? (Here's a video in case you don't use Windows). While that game doesn't alter the window's transparency, it does move and resize the window constantly, which would be terribly confusing and irritating in any application that isn't a game. But as a gameplay element I find it brilliant and refreshing.

If someone wants to make parts of their game's window transparent, then that doesn't sound like a bad idea for me; it sounds like someone's trying to think outside the box, and that can result in really cool games :)

Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:50 am
by raidho36
The same could have been accomplished without messing with the window itself. It's a gimmick.

Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:00 am
by MasterLee
Something like:
So you could make Christmas Tree in Löve.

Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:40 am
by zorg
raidho36 wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:50 am The same could have been accomplished without messing with the window itself. It's a gimmick.
The fact that it's a gimmick isn't a valid excuse for not trying to do such things. Who're you to say i can't have a "Clippy"-like desktop assistant (made with anything, not strictly with löve) that doesn't have rectangular window borders? :3 (besides, it'd still have a rectangular area, just that some inner-parts would be masked out to show what's "below" the window, i.e. being transparent.
raidho36 wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:17 am You shouldn't because it means the window will not be fullscreen and if it's a video game then that will detract from experience. Plus, it's a long standing convention that windows and any viewports in general are square, making it different shape would be jarring to people and will add nothing of value, it's only a gimmick that people can do without.
There's at least one video game where having it fullscreen actually detracts from the experience (OneShot), besides, multi-screen setups may suffer if you mean exclusive fullscreen, and if not, people still should have the ability to go windowed if they want to.

Also, conventions are broken always, especially if you want to talk about windows and M$; i still haven't fully digested either the "Ribbon" interface, which is designed to hide all the functionality a fucking menu system could show, nor the AOL-Kids inspired tile system that's laughable on a desktop environment... (at least the latter was optional)

Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:20 am
by raidho36
True, but, sometimes you can just tell if it's not a good idea. Like it's not a good idea to wear pants on your head, that's just not what pants are for and there are better headwear articles anyway. You can argue that things like that have novelty value, but you can't base things around novelty value alone: things get old eventually and gimmicky things tend to get old quicker than usual, and once the novelty wears off there wouldn't be any other good features. That's not to mention, there are usually many things wrong with those gimmicks and they only hold up at all because novelty but otherwise are terrible all around. Such things are doomed for very limited appreciation from the beginning. Case in point: VirtualBoy, wagglan motion controls, QTEs, in-game unskippable cutscenes, blur and lens effects, etc.- you can think of many yourself.

Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:13 pm
by MrFariator
The combination of movement with analog controls and aiming with a lightgun sort of setup might be gimmicky, but it's a very fun gimmick. That very combination brought us Sin & Punishment 2 (Wii), one of my favorite games of all time. More of that, pretty please? :3

In the case of this feature I'd probably do some fancy little custom non-square splash screen while the game is starting. However, the only bad idea there would (likely) be the effort involved in making it work in LÖVE, not so much that you wouldn't be able to do some fun little distractions with it.

Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:21 pm
by MasterLee
WiiMotes are more like positional guns than real light guns.

Re: Transparent window with borderless window

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:40 pm
by zorg
Gimmicks can be bad or good, it depends on many things.