Capital Authority - moddable tactical top down shooter

Show off your games, demos and other (playable) creations.

What is most interested way to contribute to the project:

core functions of engine (boring part :)
develop & balance existing default mod (Star control 2)
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create my own unique mod (e.g. based on starcraft)
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add new features like shadows, particles, shaders (cool looking part :)
add network support
improve AI system
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anything else :)
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Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:32 pm

Re: GG - tactical top down shooter

Post by bladum »

1) yes i know. That is why i am doing this boring part of engine and dokument API.

2) default gamę would be full features both to use as a mod template and play IT. Also IT would be only one supported directly by me. So its not limited demo to just allow some play. IT would be too used ti advertised projekt itself.

I dont mind thanks stuff ;) it may goes to modders. The more mods the more users and genaral bigger audience.

3)i am preparing github priject account with API description and samoles.

4) anything related to people own mod i dont mind to accept requests on periodic Basis. Its seperate folder So IT will not ruin core.

Anything related to API. Well if IT will not ruin anything i am open to any pull requests. I have no rules that "this is not projekt design So i will not merge IT".

So if you whant to mąkę mod like mikromachines + weapons then few features will be required.

My only concern is that people would start to create forks to have its own engine version and this will ruin initial concept of one open core and n mods under one github projekt.
Posts: 28
Joined: Mon Jun 13, 2016 9:32 pm

Re: Capital Authority - moddable tactical top down shooter

Post by bladum »


Small update regarding scoring system.

Every single game in CA is the same:
  1. player starts with eg 100$ to buy ships for
  2. first player or team to score eg 1000 points wins the game
  3. battle takes eg 15 minutes, after that player with highests score wins
Player can score points either by kill (based on ship value in $) and based on score items described below.

Game modes
There is no such concept as game mode in CA. Instead there are score items which are used to score points. They can be freely used to create scenario even that one player can have flags and other checkpoints to earn score. Every item can have either 100 points or even 1000 points once completed by player.
  1. flag, capturable enemy item and bring it to your own base to score points
  2. bomb, capturable neutral item and bring it to enemy base to score points
  3. treasure, capturable neutral item and bring it to your own base to score points
  4. crown, capturable neutral item that scores for owner team every second once in hand of player
  5. checkpoint, neutral item that scores on first collision for every player seperatly
  6. milestone, neutral item that scores on first collision with first player only (only for best player)
  7. peremiter, your own item that scores on first collision only with your enemies
  8. goal, your own item that scores on first collision only with you
  9. domination, neutral item once captured gives score to owner every few seconds
  10. mine, neutral object that automatically generate coins of score every second
  11. crystal, neutral object that automatically generate coins when damage is dealt to it
  12. bounty, neutral moving ship that scores to player who destroy it first
This feature starts to deffentiate game from other classic tactical shooters. All it matters is to spent as little money to get as much score possible.
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