Project Mobility - an action/platformer with plenty of gore - New stuff!

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Hydrogen Maniac
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Re: Project Mobility - an action/platformer with plenty of gore

Post by Hydrogen Maniac »

New stuff!
Hi again everyone, it has been way too long since my last update(which I didn't even post here) and I got plenty of new stuff to show.
Before I start I just want to thank everybody for all the support and excitment people have been showing, it has really been great reading what everyone has been writing. Oh, and sorry about the fraps watermark in some these gifs.

Let me get a better look at that
First off, new camera. The camera used to just frame a static screen and then move one screens width to the left or right if the player stepped out of the frame. I thought this was a tad too boring and limiting from a level design perspective so I swapped it out for a new camera system that will follow the player around and frame whatever he/she is looking at.
The new camera will also mean that levels can be bigger, more open and more believable than before.

Boom, Boom, Boom
The three main weapons(the assault rifle, the shotgun and the hunting rifle) have gotten some pretty powerful secondary firing modes:
The assault rifle can now fire a grenade that kills most things instantly in its small blast radius, but the grenade is affected by gravity and only explodes if it hits the ground.

The shotgun probably has the least spectacular secondary but arguably the most useful one. The shotgun can now fire a projectile that moves a short distance in a straight line before shooting out a bunch of bullets in a similar spread to one the shotgun fires by default. Think Roadhogs right click from Overwatch.

Lastly, the hunting rifle's secondary is a projectile that shoots out smaller projectiles in front of it allowing it to kill multiple enemies as long as they are alined and not too close to each other. This projectile will however not start shooting out projectiles in front of it until the inital shot as traveled a set distance. I really wish I could explain it better but it works quite well in practise.

Take that Crysis!
I've added some graphical improvements such as a nicer background, new sprites etc. But the most noticeble one are the new shadows. They're pretty simple and not too resource intensive but they still look pretty good. Im just going to let the gif below speak for it self.

Oh, and before I go
I was going show some of the new water physics as well as the switches but both of those are broken atm so expect those to be shown off some time in the foreseeable future. There are a bunch of smaller changes made too but they're too small to even mention.

That's about it I think. If you have any feedback or opinions you want to share here on the thread I'm always eager to respond.
I'm way too sober for this...
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