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Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 7:22 pm
by paulclinger
@Plu, what version of ZeroBrane Studio are you using? There has been a possibly related issue on Linux that has been fixed last year ( ... issues/425), so if you are not on v1.30, I suggest upgrading. If you are using 1.30, you can provide more details about your environment (Ubuntu version, 32/64bit, etc.) and the crashes (run it under gdb and capture the stack trace or get it from the core dump) and I can take a look at that. Also, you can try the version from the upgrade branch (wxwidgets31x-upgrade) as it includes a more recent version of wxwidgets, which may address the issue.

Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 1:34 am
by technomancy
I started by doing all my LÖVE development in Emacs, but then I ported Emacs to LÖVE and have started doing my development from inside my new editor: ... editor.lua

Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:24 am
by drunken_munki
Notepad++ (on a windows machine).

Just make a nice organised src dir and open up the files in npp, that's all I need. Npp remembers the window and opened files when you close it, and you can also save the set-up as a workflow/project type thing.

I tried ZeroBrane, Lua Development Tools (an eclipse stand alone) and a few others... In the end I just went back to npp; not a single one of these bloody editors out there can get 'search' and 'search / replace' properly, which in my opinion is the most important thing in a code editor. Npp lets you search/rep all open files / current file with proper options that actually work, and added support for regular expressions.

Useful things: Move the doc switcher to the left (like a list), open the function list and put it on the right side. Download a lua function list xml file (I attached an example) and put it in npp install folder. Search results pop up on the bottom panel by default; and the editor in the middle. Job done. I have modified 'stylers_eclipse' theme (attached) for the visuals, which you put into install/themes/ folder and pick from drop down list in the program.

Almost forgot the last bit: The simplest way to run the code is to go to run -> run, type:
"path-to\love.exe" "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)"
change path-to to appropriate path or delete if you have window path set-up for love, click save and attach shortcut to it. If you mess it up or want to change, go to npp folder and open up shortcuts.xml, have a little fun in there. The command above will run current selected file which will only work properly on a main.lua right? We could make separate commands for other things like ... r_Commands here, but I've not bothered yet.

Alternatively go to plug-in manager and install nppExec and set-up a run command with that.
functionList .xml
(13.62 KiB) Downloaded 167 times
(86.79 KiB) Downloaded 172 times
Example set-up with npp
Example set-up with npp
Image3.png (205.42 KiB) Viewed 5028 times

Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 8:20 pm
by scissors61
I use Gedit, which highlights Lua syntax and Guake for executing my code. Guake is a drop-down terminal that appears when you press F12. With this I don't feel that I need something more...

Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 5:09 pm
by Sulunia
Good old notepad++ on windows machines, and Geany on other environments.

Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:37 pm
by undef
I also use Vim with custom syntax highlighting.
To run a lua script I use ":w |!lua %", for love I use ":wall |!love .".
And usually I just have to press ":", arrow key up, and return.

Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:33 pm
by s-ol
also use vim with highlighting etc, but I wrote a few vim functions and bindings to run things. when I hit ,e (<Leader>e) for the first time, it asks me what command to run, then every next time it runs that same command again (unless I hit ,E, which lets me choose a new command). So usually I enter something like 'love .' or 'love ..' and after that I can launch it quickly however I want. I use the same approach for all other projects since it's so flexible. I can also use ,r/,R which does the same but sends the command to a tmux pane so I can see it next to vim as I make changes.

Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:34 pm
by partnano
I'm using emacs since that editor slowly starts burning into my fingers. (Sounds stupid, but it really starts to be strange not being able to use the many commands emacs offers, when in other editors)
The Lua mode could be a bit better at times I feel, but it's more than sufficient. I handle my projects mainly over the terminal, no fancy scripts or software, for me it works really well and swiftly. :)

Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:29 pm
by josefnpat
undef wrote:":wall |!love ."
This is nice - TIL <3

Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:40 am
by DanielPower
The amount of variety here is quite amusing. Everyone has their own preferred development paradigm.

I used Atom for a long time. It's extremely easy to setup, and has the simplest add-on system of any editor I've used. It doesn't syntax highlight Lua by default, but you just need to install the add-on 'language-lua'. There's an add-on for Atom called 'love-ide', which adds a Run button to quickly run your current project, gives you autocomplete for the entire Love API, as well as GLSL (for shaders), and makes Love functions clickable (they'll bring up the wiki page for you).

I would HIGHLY recommend using Atom for a new user who doesn't want to spend a lot of time learning a text editor. It gives you the features of Sublime, Vim, Emacs, etc. but with a lower learning curve.

With that said, I've recently switched to Sublime 3. The learning curve is slightly harder because it doesn't have configuration menus, or much in the way of mouse control. But it's blazing fast, and has a huge library of add-ons. There are a couple of Love add-ons for Sublime. One is from 2014, and has half-working but kind of broken autocomplete for Love functions. The other one is from 2016, and has no autocomplete, but allows you to launch the project with F7. I use the latter, though I do miss having autocomplete.

I may well switch back to Atom, especially now that Atom 1.9 is out. But for now, I just love how fast Sublime runs. And some of its extra features are great time savers, like selecting and editing multiple of the same word at once (Highlight a variable name, and hit Ctrl+D. It will select the next instance of that word. You can use it to edit a word in multiple places at the same time. Kind of like Find/Replace, but slightly more convenient at times).