Okay, so the very first issue i found is that you force full-screen at startup. (AT LEAST have the common courtesy of using "desktop" fullscreen instead of exclusive...) This is an issue,
especially when asking others to test, since you can't know whether it'll mess up their multi-monitor desktops or not.
Second thing, if you choose to force that path,
at least set up the keypressed callback to quit when i mashpress the escape button. It's not fun to alt-tab out of anything, hoping that clicking the tray to exit the game won't actually make it come back up.
That said, the updated .love file still has some positioning issues when playing it in 2560x1440, which is to be expected, as you stated above.
I edited conf.lua so it works in a window with the intended resolution, and on a 64bit win7, i can show you what i experience:
- splash_.png (507.88 KiB) Viewed 2973 times
Even with the base resolution you have set in conf.lua, it's a bit off to the right.
- gameplay.png (1.46 MiB) Viewed 2973 times
That's how it looks ingame. I haven't yet checked anything else though, might dwelve just a bit deeper to see why it seems that architecture affects the game.
Edit: One potential mistake i might have found is that in game.lua, you call the entity update like this:
but in the entities file, the function has only one parameter, dt, but this way, you're passing ents itself as that argument. Fix is to just do
instead... though it's a bit more involved why it's wrong and how it could be fixed better.
Edit #2: The below code in your object.lua
Code: Select all
function ent:update(dt)
--self.y = self.y + (self.multiplier/2)*2.5
self.y = self.y + 50*love.timer.getDelta()
if (self.y >= 768+64) then
ents.remove( self.id )
With the fix i wrote above in my first edit, you can use dt instead of love.timer.getDelta() there, since, that's kinda the whole point of it
...and you still dont multiply the player(.lua) values with dt in its own update function.