Thanks for the advice a few posts up! 'requiring' stuff from other files has really made it easier for me to keep track of what I'm doing.
A new thing that's bugging me is that I've never really gotten a handle on the whole self.something that comes up a lot in tutorials. What does it mean? Right now I've got a handle on creating dog={} and then giving it a dog.bone='value', and so on. So dog.height, dog.weight. or even dog.ear.left makes sense to me....But is there ever a magical moment where I'd say
This is the way Lua handles classes (or prototypes to be more correct). If you don't know what classes are, search Google for object-oriented programming.
You usually see self associated with a function that is using the ':' operator. See this thread for an explanation of what it is doing.
This is the way Lua handles classes (or prototypes to be more correct). If you don't know what classes are, search Google for object-oriented programming.
You usually see self associated with a function that is using the ':' operator. See this thread for an explanation of what it is doing.
There's a pong tutorial on the HardonCollider GItHub. As for something independent of a collision library, there are plenty of pong tutorials in other languages; the good ones should explain how to do it without constraining themselves to a single language.
Qcode wrote:Possibly tutorials on simple games to remake like pong or snake.
I'm trying my best to avoid physics as much as possible. But thanks for the post, because I think im going to use snake for my examples in the tutorials!:D
Hopefully tomorow(march 5th) in the afternoon!:D It's just going to be a basic tutorial for absolute beginners though!
So "hopefully tomorrow at afternoon (March 5th)" that was already wrote at March 6th. Odd. Before that you told
**UPDATE** 2/4/2012
the first tutorial(for absolute begginers) should be up by tomorrow!:D
and before when you started the thread you wrote something (and this is from my memory only) "I started today doing"..."what you want to see?" and so on.
baconhawka7x, you starting entering in a vicious cycle of promising and promising dates (and postponing) and even more advanced tutorials when you don't even done the first one. Please, for your credibility and other people's consideration (like semihmasat that is waiting for your tutorials) just stop that nasty habit. If you don't have certain of exactly when it would be released don't keep post "random" dates. It's done when it's done, so just then publish it. Have fun working on those