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Re: Pattern Generator v1.0 - Custom patterns!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:45 pm
by Sarcose
Randomizing all settings; I suppose it would have to select a pattern-type first, then randomize the settings in it. The reason I asked about one is because with utilities like these I never have inspiration for what I might want to use, but if they have a "random" button I'll hit it over and over and look at what it can do, and it might give me an idea to boot!

Re: Pattern Generator v1.0 - Custom patterns!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:04 pm
by HugoBDesigner
Well, while it is possible to do that if you add a custom function to your pattern, it does feel like a neat little thing to add nonetheless. Thanks for the suggestion!

Re: Pattern Generator v1.0 - Custom patterns!

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:53 pm
by Sarcose
^__^ I love feature creep. Sometimes it's all I'll do in a whole day of coding.

Re: Pattern Generator v1.0b - Custom patterns!

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:01 pm
by HugoBDesigner
Updated the Pattern Generator to LÖVE 0.10.x. Won't make much difference (except for the source version), but I do plan on updating the generator to include more features. I hope :P

Re: Pattern Generator v1.0b - Custom patterns!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:37 pm
by cval
Any chance you will release separate generator class for others to use in their projects? Like, for example, if i created nice pattern which i like, then save some sort of parameters into a file, and then by including this generator class into my project and feeding previously created file to this class, it will generate that pattern on canvas i want somewhere in my project. Also any procedurally generated patterns in the future? Like, noise, noise filters, batch generator combinations etc?

Re: Pattern Generator v1.0b - Custom patterns!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:52 pm
by HugoBDesigner
For the "saved patterns thing", it's somewhat possible with the way the program currently saves the last patterns, but sure, I can have an "export" feature of some sort. As for saving it like a code, I dunno how I'd get around doing that (at least not in a viable way). I'd probably have to literally just copy over the pattern code itself, then add the variables at the end. Unless I got what you meant completely wrong :?

As for procedurally-generated patterns, it's possible with custom patterns (a.k.a user-created files).

Either way, I do want to update this in the near future. I've been thinking about a way to make creating custom patterns more easy and less "coding-requiring", that means a feature to create patterns using the program itself. But that's something that will take some time. Thanks for your comment though, I really appreciate it :awesome:

Re: Pattern Generator v1.0b - Custom patterns!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:32 am
by cval
HugoBDesigner wrote:Unless I got what you meant completely wrong :?
The idea was to make a module that receives pattern parameters (by passing them as a table to it, by calling setter functions, by specifying preset file etc) and the canvas (or maybe raw imagedata object? canvas is way faster to draw on tho) where user wants pattern to be drawn on, and then after calling some "draw/render" function, user gets that pattern on that certain canvas in his own project, where he included that module. Well, i know that currently your program can save them as images, however this idea applies a bit of a versatility touch.

Imagine a puzzle game. It has this module in it. Now every time a level starts, for example, its game field or background generates anew, and by randomizing generator variables each time, it creates new, unique texture. And for someone to do that, he needs this generator to be included in his project, and this generator have to be as a self-sufficient module, and it should have means to specify those parameters and a place where it can draw the result.

I.e. the idea is to separate GUI from generator in your project so the latter could be included somewhere without depending on anything else except for love2d functions. People could find it useful.

Lately i've tried to make something similar, but the code is a mess, so i kinda put it aside for now.

Re: Pattern Generator v1.0b - Custom patterns!

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 2:38 am
by HugoBDesigner
Well, I guess I can release a library that produces pre-made patterns. It'll basically just be me removing all the UI features from the program and making it so that it reads a save file and returns a Canvas. Shouldn't be too hard, I hope. Thanks for the suggestions, though. I appreciate it :awesome:

Update: Can't push an update just yet, but I wanted to let you guys know that I've been working on this. Here's a couple things I've been working on: ... 1997967360 and ... 3475410946. Sorry if it sounds like self-promotion, you guys don't need to follow me on Twitter or anything, just thought I'd share some progress here before I got an update ready. I'm working mostly on things from the to-do list and user suggestions, but new ideas/bug reports are always welcome!

Re: Pattern Generator v1.1 - Custom patterns!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 6:21 am
by HugoBDesigner
New update!

Pattern Generator is now version 1.1 with a bunch of cool new features. I updated the main post with the new links and updated documentation, as well as changelog. If you guys have any questions, ideas, bug reports, etc, you know the drill, just post here and I'll do my best to get it solved :awesome:

Re: Pattern Generator v1.1 - Custom patterns!

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:50 am
by rmcode
I'd love to have an additional option to set the number of tiles. E.g.: I want 32tiles horizontally and 20 tiles vertically. I think this would be a nice way to generate tile-sheet templates.

Also a small thing about the UI I found a bit counterintuitive was that the pixel dimensions reset when you click outside of them. I think they should keep the value your entered unless you use "escape" to cancel :)

Just my 2 cents