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Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:44 pm
by ArchAngel075
think why would that be empty, should it be empty?
scratch that - it seems this line :
is the issue, since this table is being created each time and then you try to access a index in that table (tileI[y + mapY][index])
this WILL fail with nil index error since its a empty table?
Is there anything that can be done to replicate the error? as right now im not getting any issues running the program (i can move right only though)
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:46 pm
by Doctory
I don't know how to fix this, but please. Make more meaningful titles. Have you actually read
what you need to do to make a proper post?
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:57 pm
by Leap of Time
Ok well FUCK!!! That wasn´t even the bug... the bug on this one was the if (don´t know why) the real bug is in the mapY
I don´t know why, but I can`t use the mapY, as soon as I change it, it crashes.
I will send the source code, where it crashes, and I will attach the file:
The code:
Code: Select all
lib = require("lib.mainLib")
keyListener = require ("lib.keyListener")
function love.load()
WIDTH = 1240
HEIGHT = WIDTH / 16 * 10
love.window.setMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
--love.window.setFullscreen(true, "desktop")
playerRightNoKnife ="resources/entitys/Spieler (Gehen ohne Klingen, transparent).png")
playerLeftNoKnife ="resources/entitys/Spieler (Andere Richtung gehen ohne Klingen, transparent).png")
--player = lib.animationArray(6, 190, 19 - 1, 50, 80, -54, playerLeftNoKnife)
player = lib.animationArray(6, 40, 19, 50, 70, 54, playerRightNoKnife)
playerP = playerRightNoKnife
oneTime = true
px = 1
py = 1
mapMotX = 0
mapMotY = 0
mapSX = 0
mapSY = 0
timer = 0
iterator = 0
max = 3
moving = false
direction = "left"
onetime = true
secondtime = false
jumping = false
--if abcde == nil then love.event.quit() end
tileIndexer = {}
for i = 1, 1000 do
tileIndexer[i] = {}
for o = 1, 1000 do
tileIndexer[i*o] = {}
tileIndexer[i+o] = {}
tileIndexer[i-o] = {}
tileIndexer[i/o] = {}
function love.update(dt)
if tileIndexer[math.floor((love.window.getHeight() / 2) + tileSize * 2)][math.floor(love.window.getWidth() / 2 + mapX - 10 - tileSize * 1)] ~= 0 and direction == "left" and moving then mapMotX = 0 ; moving = false ; iterator = 0 end
if not jumping and tileIndexer[math.floor(love.window.getHeight() / 2 + tileSize * 4 + 1)][math.floor(love.window.getWidth() / 2 + mapX - 10)] == 0 then mapMotY = 10 end
mapSX = mapSX + mapMotX * dt
mapSY = mapSY + mapMotY * dt
mapX = math.floor(mapSX)
mapY = 1
px = love.window.getWidth() / 2 - 15
py = love.window.getHeight() / 2 + 5
if secondtime and onetime then
mapSX = 0
onetime = false
secondtime = true
if direction == "right" and moving then playerP = playerRightNoKnife player = lib.animationArray(6, 40, 20, 50, 70, 54, playerRightNoKnife) end
if direction == "left" and moving then playerP = playerLeftNoKnife player = lib.animationArray(6, 190, 20 - 1, 50, 80, -54, playerLeftNoKnife) end
if moving then
timer = timer + dt
if timer > 0.21 then
timer = 0
iterator = iterator + 1
if iterator > max then
iterator = 0
function love.draw()
drawMap(), player[iterator], px, py)
--the block under the player tileIndexer[math.floor(love.window.getHeight() / 2 + tileSize * 4 + 1)][math.floor(love.window.getWidth() / 2 + mapX - 10)] x = 768, 608 y = 464
--the block left in the middle of the player tileIndexer[math.floor((love.window.getHeight() / 2) + tileSize * 2)][math.floor(love.window.getWidth() / 2 + mapX - 10 - tileSize * 1)]
--(love.window.getHeight() / 2) + tileSize * 2) / 2) + tileSize * 3), 200, 100) / 2 + mapX), 300, 100), 400, 100)
function love.keypressed(key)
if key == "escape" then end
if key == "d" then moving = true ; direction = "right" ; mapMotX = 14 end
if key == "a" and tileIndexer[math.floor((love.window.getHeight() / 2) + tileSize * 2)][math.floor(love.window.getWidth() / 2 + mapX - 10 - tileSize * 1)] == 0 then moving = true ; direction = "left" ; mapMotX = -14 end
function love.keyreleased(key)
if key == "d" then moving = false ; direction = "right" ; iterator = 0 ; mapMotX = 0 end
if key == "a" then moving = false ; direction = "left" ; iterator = 0 ; mapMotX = 0 end
if key == "d" and love.keyboard.isDown("a") and tileIndexer[math.floor((love.window.getHeight() / 2) + tileSize * 2)][math.floor(love.window.getWidth() / 2 + mapX - 10 - tileSize * 1)] == 0 then moving = true ; direction = "left" ; mapMotX = -14 end
if key == "a" and love.keyboard.isDown("d") then moving = true ; direction = "right" ; mapMotX = 14 end
function loadTiles()
tileSize = 16
tile = {}
tileIndex = {}
tileI = {}
tile[0] ="resources/tiles/Tile0.png")
tileIndex[0] = 0
for i=1,4 do
tile[i] = "resources/tiles/Tile"..i..".png" )
tile[i]:setFilter("nearest", "linear")
tileIndex[i] = i
function loadMap1()
renderHeight = 100
renderWidth = 79
mapX = 0
mapY = 0
map = requestMap1()
function drawMap()
for y = 1, #map do
if y + mapY < renderHeight then
for x = 1, #map[y] do + mapX, x * tileSize - tileSize / 2, y * tileSize - tileSize)
if y + mapY ~= nil then + mapY, x * tileSize - tileSize, y * tileSize - tileSize) end
if x + mapX < renderWidth and y + mapY < renderHeight then if tile[map[y + mapY][x + mapX]] == nil then else[map[y + mapY][x + mapX]], x * tileSize - tileSize, y * tileSize - tileSize, 0, tileSize / tile[map[y + mapY][x + mapX]]:getWidth(), tileSize / tile[map[y + mapY][x + mapX]]:getHeight()) end end
tileI[y + mapY] = {}
--print(y + mapY, x + mapX)
--print(map[y + mapY],#map)
--print(map[y + mapY][x + mapX],#map)
--print(tileI[y + mapY][x + mapX],#tileI)
--print(tileIndex[map[y + mapY][x + mapX]],#tileIndex)
tileI[y + mapY][x + mapX] = tileIndex[map[y + mapY][x + mapX]]
playerTileDetect(y, x, mapY, mapX)
function playerTileDetect(y, x, mapY, mapX)
for i = 1, tileSize do
tileIndexer[y * tileSize - tileSize + i][x * tileSize - tileSize + i] = tileI[y + mapY][x + mapX]
for o = 1, tileSize do
tileIndexer[y * tileSize - tileSize + i][x * tileSize - tileSize + o] = tileI[y + mapY][x + mapX]
end * tileSize - tileSize + 1, x * tileSize - tileSize, y * tileSize - tileSize) * tileSize - tileSize + 1, 100 * x + x, 200 * y + x)[y * tileSize - tileSize + 1][x * tileSize - tileSize + 1], x * tileSize - tileSize, y * tileSize - tileSize)
--tx = tileIndexer[math.floor(love.window.getHeight() / 2 + 5)][math.floor(love.window.getWidth() / 2 - 15)]
Re: The Tile System does not work
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:00 pm
by Leap of Time
On this .love file you can move around??? I can´t! It says main.lua:143 attepmt to index a nil value
Re: The Tile System does not work
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:05 pm
by arampl
You already changed something. Previous .love was useable (without prints).
Re: The Tile System does not work
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:07 pm
by Leap of Time
I couldn´t use any of them...?!?
Re: The Tile System does not work
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:12 pm
by arampl
Leap of Time wrote:I couldn´t use any of them...?!?
Sorry, I meant the first one uploaded.
Re: The Tile System does not work
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:23 pm
by Leap of Time
I can´t use that one either. So, any solution?
Re: The Tile System does not work
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:27 pm
by arampl
I found that your map height is 52 tiles , but you try to index 53rd (y + mapY).
If you change your loop to for example: "for y = 1, #map - 1 do" then it will work as in first uploaded file.
But you say you can't run it too... Strange...
Re: The Tile System does not work
Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:40 pm
by Leap of Time
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! It works! I can fall now, I didn´t do - 1, I made it - mapY so if mapY isn´t 1 it will still work!