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Re: snake game

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:52 pm
by micha
I found a small bug: When I go to the right and then press "up" and "left" in quick succession, then I die biting myself.

Re: snake game

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:15 am
by PixelPiledriver
please tell us what you think about it since it is our first game.
It's cool! :awesome:
Love snake.
My high score was 70.

Some game test notes:

- On the X axis there is 1 space the snake can be that is not within the viewable area.
On the Y axis this does not exist, the snake wraps to the other side.
I found a small bug: When I go to the right and then press "up" and "left" in quick succession, then I die biting myself.
- This def can happen.
It ended my high score run. :death:
You should show controls had no idea how to adjust speed.
- Speed up is 'X' and slow down is 'Y'?
Odd choice of keys.
I didn't even think this was possible until reading Dreanh's post.
Then just poked around till I found the keys.

- Speeds over 5 have no affect on the game

- Speed can be set to less than zero but has no affect on the game
And maybe you could multiply speed with score per eaten
- Definitely this.
There is a sense of progression with the walls and length of the snake.
Progressing the speed as well would help make it more exciting as you play.
Maybe have a Speed bar that has to fill up the same way you did the Walls and Super Pellets.

- No sound.
Just a few sound effects would help make it more fun.
StartGame, Eat, WallSpawn, SuperSpawn, Death. --> the major events in the game

- HUD is a bit crowded in the top left.
Might be interesting to move the Super Pellet timer directly above the Pellet, so you can race towards it and know exactly how much time is left simultaneously.

- Graphics are minimalist and that seems fine.
A little bit of visual variety and interest is great for adding polish and clarity tho.
And animation is always delicious.
No matter how simple.

Blah blah blah.
Good stuff! :ultraglee:

Re: snake game

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:34 am
by Doctory
PixelPiledriver wrote:-snip-
just now i found out that you can speed up or slow down!
ill add speed when you collect more.
thanks, ill also look into the ideas!

EDIT: i added a bit of color to the snake and added increasing speed each time you eat an apple.
sound effects will come when multiplayer comes.
thats right, we are gonna have multiplayer!

Re: snake game

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:43 pm
by Dreanh
Jeeper wrote:
Dreanh wrote:Good job, liked it a lot! You should show controls had no idea how to adjust speed. And maybe you could multiply speed with score per eaten, so there is a reward for having higher speed?
If you can change speed on the go, then you would just speed up before hitting points and then instantly slowing down again.
I think you misunderstood, and I explained it poorly. What I meant was:

Code: Select all

for i=1,#apple do
  if shake[1].x+a==apple[i].x and shake[1].y+b==apple[i].y then
    score=score+speed --Like this is what I meant, probably not necessary to multiply though since there is no var for scorePerApple.