Okay everyone! I've gotten this thing to a point where I'm satisfied with dropping it for another long time. The main things I did this morning were completing the config file usage except for the BUILD_MODE field (I'll leave that doing nothing for now, but at least you can configure a source directory, binaries directory, and project name if you want) as well as making the scripts fetch the latest version of Love if it wasn't already downloaded. I don't actually like the way I did that, but it was a quick and dirty way. Basically just fetched the home page of this site, grep'd for "Download Love" and then extracted the version number from that line. Super hacky, but it'll do for now.
For anybody who is on linux and would like to use this thing, sorry to you for the complete lack of support. All the scripts really do for you is copy a game.love zip into the binaries directory. I don't plan on doing anymore than that for now, but if I come back to this thing later than that will be the first thing I do.
Cheers! love-maker!
love-maker distribution script
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