Man,I`ve just started using this awesome engine and is pure awesomeness if you need any kind of help adding more stuff in it leave me a message or something because i`d love to give ya a hand.I have worked on Flixel-gdx which is a port of Flixel to Java and i got some experience in managing big engines so you can rely on me!
- Changed middleclass to Classic (
- Added Gamestates (
- Added Text module (
- Added threaded resource loader (
- Added support for gamepads on mg.Input (limited, works with 1 gamepad only so far)
- Added support for multiple bodies/fixtures/shapes/sensors/joints on a PhysicsBody
- Added more flexibility on changing collision tags while the game is running
- Fixed a bug with some Tilemaps not constructing collision solids properly
- Fixed tons of other small bugs
- Removed/unlinked tutorials (the engine is still being heavily changed, so keeping tutorials updated now is more effort than it's worth)
The new text integration looks nice. Esp. the functional feature. But i suggest to integrate a gui library and on top of that text richtext rendering. Gspot is nice!