Re: ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE v0.50 is out
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:54 am
> Partly because it behaves oddly under Arch with Gnome 3
>>Any more details on this? Maybe it's something that can be addressed?
You can probably see from the screenshots but I get no tabs (They are there but invisible) so anything that is more than a single file becomes a mess to manage. The file tree doesn't open files (happened with 0.4 and now with 0.5). Almost sure that it is the same thing that is causing the invisible tabs (wxWidget thingy).
> Increase font size
>>Agree; the font size should probably be set based on the screen size (by default); still can be changed in the config.
Aye. I think letting the user further otimize it is great. As always though, sane defaults
> Change default colors
>>Tend to agree. ZBS comes with several popular color schemes (btw, Notepadd++ is one of them; contributed by SiENcE ), but the default one may have less contrast. You can see/test the different schemes by opening cfg/scheme-picker.lua in ZBS and clicking on those links. v0.50 made some improvements there as it also allows to set back/foreground colors on the filetree/stack/watch windows.
I did test the themes out - a few of them are really good!
I gotta be honest, I don't know how much of an improvement it is to change the filetree window colors. The custom colors work great for displaying code but for everything else, a sober, sane default is usually better. A big reason why Adobe's Brackets is such a joy to use has to do with the interface - the left side, as you can see from the screenshot, is dominated by a darker grey. If you open SublimeText, the standard theme and font are gorgeous. It separates the filetree with a sane, non-vibrant color.
When coding in either of these two applications, you completely forget that the file tree is there - until you need it. That is the beauty of it.
I want to be able to say the same about ZBStudio
> Comments as big blocks of green draws a lot of attention and really breaks the flow of the software. Instead, why not lowering contrast, removing the background and using a non-vibrant color?
>>Good suggestions; I just got too used to the current scheme to see its flaws. Having said that, some users do want more contrast
Indeed, different people, different strokes. I do think that the current green block is a tad too much though
Perhaps themeing could be more exposed? As in, easily show the possible themes in the options file? Not sure if it would work or look nice but I'm all for highly-exposed APIs.
> Fix the padding; The line number padding feels honestly wrong. It is just too much. This contributes to the overall feeling of chunkyness. But maybe it has to do with the point I raise next
>>I thought about making it smaller, for example 999 by default, but what if the file has more lines? Increase the margin dynamically?
Hmm. This might be possible to "fix" simply by improving the colors of the line numbers and general interface. I've taken a second look and it is not really that different from, say, Gedit, Brackets or a myriad of other editors.
>>Thank you for the screenshots and specific suggestions. I do want to stay minimalistic and most of the suggestions are already doable with config changes, although margin width and folding symbols require code changes to make them configurable.
>>Do you mind sharing your ZBS config from the second screenshot? I'd like to play with the colors to see if I can come up with a better overall look as the default.
I don't mind it at all!
I can make a quick mockup of a few ideas for ZB, if you are interested
>>Any more details on this? Maybe it's something that can be addressed?
You can probably see from the screenshots but I get no tabs (They are there but invisible) so anything that is more than a single file becomes a mess to manage. The file tree doesn't open files (happened with 0.4 and now with 0.5). Almost sure that it is the same thing that is causing the invisible tabs (wxWidget thingy).
> Increase font size
>>Agree; the font size should probably be set based on the screen size (by default); still can be changed in the config.
Aye. I think letting the user further otimize it is great. As always though, sane defaults
> Change default colors
>>Tend to agree. ZBS comes with several popular color schemes (btw, Notepadd++ is one of them; contributed by SiENcE ), but the default one may have less contrast. You can see/test the different schemes by opening cfg/scheme-picker.lua in ZBS and clicking on those links. v0.50 made some improvements there as it also allows to set back/foreground colors on the filetree/stack/watch windows.
I did test the themes out - a few of them are really good!
I gotta be honest, I don't know how much of an improvement it is to change the filetree window colors. The custom colors work great for displaying code but for everything else, a sober, sane default is usually better. A big reason why Adobe's Brackets is such a joy to use has to do with the interface - the left side, as you can see from the screenshot, is dominated by a darker grey. If you open SublimeText, the standard theme and font are gorgeous. It separates the filetree with a sane, non-vibrant color.
When coding in either of these two applications, you completely forget that the file tree is there - until you need it. That is the beauty of it.
I want to be able to say the same about ZBStudio
> Comments as big blocks of green draws a lot of attention and really breaks the flow of the software. Instead, why not lowering contrast, removing the background and using a non-vibrant color?
>>Good suggestions; I just got too used to the current scheme to see its flaws. Having said that, some users do want more contrast
Indeed, different people, different strokes. I do think that the current green block is a tad too much though
Perhaps themeing could be more exposed? As in, easily show the possible themes in the options file? Not sure if it would work or look nice but I'm all for highly-exposed APIs.
> Fix the padding; The line number padding feels honestly wrong. It is just too much. This contributes to the overall feeling of chunkyness. But maybe it has to do with the point I raise next
>>I thought about making it smaller, for example 999 by default, but what if the file has more lines? Increase the margin dynamically?
Hmm. This might be possible to "fix" simply by improving the colors of the line numbers and general interface. I've taken a second look and it is not really that different from, say, Gedit, Brackets or a myriad of other editors.
>>Thank you for the screenshots and specific suggestions. I do want to stay minimalistic and most of the suggestions are already doable with config changes, although margin width and folding symbols require code changes to make them configurable.
>>Do you mind sharing your ZBS config from the second screenshot? I'd like to play with the colors to see if I can come up with a better overall look as the default.
I don't mind it at all!
Code: Select all
editor.fontsize = 13
editor.fontname = "Inconsolata"
local G = ...
styles = G.loadfile('cfg/tomorrow.lua')('TomorrowContrast')
stylesoutshell = styles -- apply the same scheme to Output/Console windows
styles.auxwindow = styles.text -- apply text colors to auxiliary windows
styles.calltip = styles.text -- apply text colors to tooltips
styles.indicator = {}