conroy wrote:Germanunkol wrote:Currently, the linux issue is keeping me from using Stackmachine more, not the lack of 0.9.0 support.
Great to hear. I'll prioritize Linux support. My plan is to generate a .love file that Linux users can run. That work?
Yes, that should do fine. Thanks for listening to the feedback!
About the splash screen: Personally, I don't mind it, really. A custom one would be cool, of course, but I also understand that you want to show your logo - after all, it's your software doing the work.
What would be cool though is to allow the game's creator to configure the splash screen more. For example, while uploading, there could be an interface allowing the player to configure:
- custom message for this version (for example.: "New version adds yellow dots!")
- enable/disable version number display
- enable/disable button to opt-out of update
- enable/disable display of MBs left, download speed (MB/s)
- enable/disable a download destination browser (this would be more involved. I don't know how exactly your architecture runs - only have linux atm - it's probably downloading to the love save dir? So this might require some changes, don't know if it's possible.)
One more thing: The version numbering is bugging me a litte. I uploaded versions 1 to 4 of trAInsported, only because your version numbering automatically adds a 0.1 to each version number. Could you maybe only use the version numbering internally, and externally disaplay a version number that the game's creator chose when uploading? Then I would only have to upload one of the outdated versions, for example.
- The "join the stack machine Beta" link on the dashboard is broken.
- Will there be a way to browse through all uploaded games?