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Re: love 0.9.0 + luajit - no console output?

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:43 am
by bizziboi
Ah, got console output in the debugbuild now by compiling with /MDd (makes sense). Having no luck trying to compile megasource in 2010 in release mode (with an error message I have never seen before (Error 31 error : Element <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet> has an invalid value of "NoExtensions"). Must be a 2012 property?

Anyhow, I'll continue my quest tomorrow. There seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.

I still appreciate all help!

Re: love 0.9.0 + luajit - no console output?

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:22 pm
by Boolsheet
bizziboi wrote:Do you build with VS2010?

Do you have console output when you build from megasource, but with luajit (if you ever tried)?
Yes, everything on love_winbin is compiled with MSVC 2010. And yes, LuaJIT's stdout goes to the console of the LÖVE application for me.
bizziboi wrote:luajit seems to already build with /MD.
Oops. I think I missed that this option is in there. Well, can't hurt to make sure. :P
bizziboi wrote:Ah, got console output in the debugbuild now by compiling with /MDd (makes sense).
Are you sure you didn't mix a LÖVE that uses the debug runtime library and a LuaJIT that uses the release runtime library? They don't like each other either and I get the issue too if I do that.
bizziboi wrote:(with an error message I have never seen before (Error 31 error : Element <EnableEnhancedInstructionSet> has an invalid value of "NoExtensions"). Must be a 2012 property?
Did you tell CMake to generate project files for 2010? You need to clear the cache before you regenerate them. Or... well, just create into a new directory, I guess. :P

Also, it's encouraged to use the edit button if you have more to say in a short amount of time. See the forum etiquette.

Re: love 0.9.0 + luajit - no console output?

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:05 pm
by bizziboi
(solved, see end of post, no real explanation except stupidity but it works now)

First off:

>>Also, it's encouraged to use the edit button if you have more to say in a short amount of time. See the forum etiquette.

Ah, okay, I'll be better next time.

I ended up rebuil:ding everything in 2012 (luajit as well) and that worked, with one somewhat nasty issue, I'll get to that. As for instructing cmake to generate for VS2010 - ah, learning all the time! - I should have known this.

Now the issue I am seeing....I get output to the console for a simple love project, both debug and release builds (provided I give it the proper DLL). However, when I run my full project - no output! I guess I'll have to try to narrow it down to what causes the console to disappear - must be some function (or more likely dll) triggering it.

Thanks heaps for your help, I'll keep investigating!

Edited to add:
Wow, color me confused. So I decided to try commenting out update and draw and sure enough it worked. Re-activated update, still worked, re-activated draw...and it still works.
I must have been really sleepy this morning - or something!

Building LuaJit from source and love2d from source, making sure to build luajit with /MDd in debug and both release and debug have output....yay!