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Re: [wip] Cheese Defender

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:56 pm
by vitaminx
bramblez wrote:Might want to nil the bullet, when it is hitting the (frost?) mouse with alot of health to get the effect of hitting the actual target and not just flying through ;)
Now the bullets don't fly through fat zombies anymore if they don't die.
I've also composed a soundtrack :nyu: which is played in the game, I will make some more soon :)

As always the archive is updated in the original post.

Re: [wip] Cheese Defender

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:01 am
by vitaminx
Hi all, it's probably time for an update for my zombie game.
There have been lots of changes, I've updated the love file in the orginal post.

Here are the most important changes:

- completely new powerup system: "health", "freeze", "bullet damage", "multibullet", "bullet speed", "bullet punch" and "walk speed" powerups
- most powerups can be collected up to 5 times and give better skills the more you pick up
- game is more difficult now, player starts with bad skills and powerups are more rare
- player walks slower when carrying cheese

- top ten list, hiscores are saved on disk
- changed bonus score: additional bonus per cheese but lower overall bonus

- title screen with awesome scroller :)
- status bar with game timer, scores and powerups
- improved player, zombie and cheese graphics
- player, zombies and cheese cast shadows

- added full game instructions: ... r#contents
- added GPL license

Have fun and I'm always happy about feedback and suggestions :)

Re: [wip] Cheese Defender

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:18 pm
by jjmafiae