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Re: Hex Planetoid Mining Sim

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:04 pm
by SoggyWaffles
I switched they way units are selected and they show moves on the first click and can unpack, and your right, it is a lot better. You can still him M to toggle movement or right-click to get rid of the movement hexes for a unit (as well as de-select that unit) if you want (will be in the next release).

As for getting ore back to the main platform: you need to have at least one hauler adjacent to a platform at the end of a round, the platform will transfer over ore to the hauler, if the bar turns red over the hauler it's full. You need to move the hauler back to the main platform and at the end of a round if that hauler is adjacent to main platform it will unload it. You will see the 'Ore Stored' amount go up in the upper left hand side.

There is a reason behind the fact that ore isn't just automagically added to that count, and will soon (maybe, hopefully) have that just as confusing reason in the game. :P Hope that helps, and thanks for the feed back Robin. When I'm making the game things that would normally seem odd don't really register cause I know how they are supposed to work. Hopefully its becoming a little more understandable. I probably should put together a better description of how to play... but I probably won't until later.

Re: Hex Planetoid Mining Sim

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:53 am
by SoggyWaffles
Gameplay and code cleaning update:
  • +Cleaned up the code to hopefully allow for easier understanding of whats going on (if you want to read that mess)
    +Used sprite bratches to increase performance (a bit)
    +Shuttle launches/purchase menu
    +bug fixes (not enough, I'm sure)
At the end of a certain number of rounds, in this version 10 rounds, a "shuttle" will launch and take all your stored ore to market. You have no control over launches, it will launch whether you're ready or not. Ore sells for 100 space cash per unit. However, launching a shuttle cost 500 space cash for fuel and the union card toting shuttle pilot (and he's proud of it!), so pay attention how many rounds you have left until launch. While the shuttle is at market you can purchase new equipment to be brought back when the shuttle lands. If you don't have the cash or there is no free spaces around the Main Platform you can not purchase said equipment.

In later versions there will be a delay in rounds between when the shuttle launches and when it hits the market and when it gets back. So more strategy will be involved. There will also be a dynamic market, so you'll also have to plan accordingly when selecting ore to be sold, yes only a certain amount of ore will be able to fit on the shuttle. But, all that is for later.

I think I covered most the game play aspects in previous posts in this thread. I promise soon that I'll get a better/full write up posted.

Re: Hex Planetoid Mining Sim

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 6:42 pm
by SoggyWaffles
Menu Update:
  • +Added Basic Menus
    +Added Written tutorial
    +More minor bug fixes and clean up
Hope this helps people understand the game more. The tutorial isn't the best I'm sure, but it should answer most questions. I've been fairly busy lately so I haven't had time to add anything major. Hope you enjoy none the less.

Edit: I noticed that when I start a new game from the menu the craters tend to be the same places. Is this just OSX's terrible os.time random seed? Everything else seems to be spawning more randomly. Any one else seeing this?

Re: Hex Planetoid Mining Sim

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:00 am
by Ancurio
SoggyWaffles wrote: Edit: I noticed that when I start a new game from the menu the craters tend to be the same places. Is this just OSX's terrible os.time random seed? Everything else seems to be spawning more randomly. Any one else seeing this?
It's always pretty random for me (Linux)

Re: Hex Planetoid Mining Sim

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:14 pm
by vrld

Re: Hex Planetoid Mining Sim

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:58 pm
by SoggyWaffles
I found my main issue: I was seeding every time I created a new game. Instead I seeded first thing in love.load().

Code: Select all

math.randomseed( tonumber(tostring(os.time()):reverse():sub(1,6)) )
for i=1,5 do
I've been doing the math.random() 5 times for a long time now. I also added the crazy tonumber(tostring(os.time()):reverse():sub(1,6)) bit. All in all it has seemed to increase the randomness of creating a new game.

Re: Hex Planetoid Mining Sim

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:09 pm
by Robin
I question the usefulness of the :sub(1,6) part.

Re: Hex Planetoid Mining Sim

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:50 pm
by SoggyWaffles
i copied it straight from I was wondering the same thing, but hey! overkill is better than not?