The world needs an open easy game engine like this. Admittedly, the
only reason that I'm not currently using this and developing stuff for it is because of the browser-ness and profitability of Flash, but if I'd found this during my Game Maker days, I'd switch over and develop with this in an instant. LÖVE does not appear to overcomplicate and get in the way of things like Game Maker does, it's more portable, and it's open source and
free (and stylish!). I may very well try to develop with this, after I finish my current Flash project. Or I'll start another Flash project. But if I do, don't fret, because I totally support this and it looks like a lot of people have good use for this over Flash, Pygame, Pyglet. I realize that it must be demotivating to compete against the currently more popular 2D game development platforms, but don't fret! Looking through the tutorials of all four platforms I've mentioned, LÖVE looks like the winner in terms of clear, intuitive code and ease of use. To really set yourself above the competition, though, I'd suggest developing some nifty features that the other platforms don't have. LÖVE already has everything required for developing 2D games, so I say you're set in terms of basic features. Something that the other platforms don't have out of the box is a physics engine, which I was pleasantly surprised to find integrated in LÖVE. LÖVE also has a functional networking library, which I think is very awesome. I don't know what else to ask for, but those two features alone put LÖVE farther than Pygame, Pyglet or Flash (if it were not web-based) in my eyes. It shouldn't hurt to add something to make it even more awesome, though, even though I haven't a clue how, because it is already so awesome.
But I wouldn't be mad at you guys for quitting your work on this. Working for free is hard.

I know this. But hey, if you finish this and iron out all the bugs, it's not like you
have to continue working on this, eh? After you develop everything you want in this to make it perfect, you could just keep the website and forums online and leave it for
tha people! Who knows, you might come back here to find a forum with hundreds of users active at any given time. You should be developing this because you honestly enjoy developing this, not because you feel entitled to because other people may or may not find use for this.