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Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:51 am
by RPG
BlackBulletIV wrote:Sounds great. Although I don't think you can ever make game development very easy, or even easy. But, a framework like LOVE and some good libraries go a long way.

One thing I found, text input is very hard. It makes me wonder over how they get it so good on Mac OS X (and other OSs).
As easy as jQuery/JavaScript. In the general development of the game is very complicated process, but it can be significantly accelerated. We together are engaged in development of Monopoly game and three weeks have programmed all the rules and graphics with 500 lines of code.

Of course, we use the full power of lQuery :)

Re: Animation

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:16 pm
by plfx
Thanks for all the great info guys. You're all a great help.