Compendium - An "original" space shooter

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Re: Compendium - An "original" space shooter

Post by Araqiel »

Just thought I'd leave an update...

I am still working on Compendium. Today saw the rage-quit of my attempt at a GUI library, and the introduction of HUMP's lovely camera. Personally, I believe the flight controls are perfectly suited for what I have in mind.

Tomorrow, I'll finish my addition of basic scene management and come up with a way to encode a star system for network synchronization. Once I do that, I can work on all the other things involved in making an online game, like login and registration and stuff like that.

Maybe I'll hold off on any networking stuff and work purely on game mechanics. I wanted to implement modified flocking behavior for AI fleets, so that should be a fun miniproject. If luck holds out, I'll have something interesting for everyone to play...

Believe it or not, I typed this entire message on a touch screen keyboard...
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