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Re: file: A compact file library
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:36 am
by Robin
zac352 wrote:So you're saying that if I run "sudo gedit /some/locked/file", then open another tab and run "love", can open /some/locked/file? I don't think so.
No... I mean the current user from the application's perspective. Which on some ancient system (*cough* Windows XP *cough*) means every god-damn file. But on Vanilla LÖVE, even on Unix, even when not running it as root, it still has every oppertunity to mess up your home dir, which it hasn't in SELÖVE.
Re: file: A compact file library
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:59 am
by ZenX2
Just for clarification, this should not be included in a game. It should only be used if you are testing something and can't be bothered to get the console open and print things to it and all that, or want to quickly save some text.
Re: file: A compact file library
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 4:24 am
by TechnoCat
zac352 wrote:So you're saying that if I run "sudo gedit /some/locked/file", then open another tab and run "love", can open /some/locked/file? I don't think so.
and if you run "sudo love", then yeah it can modify /some/locked/file.