Geometry Wars style game demo

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Re: Geometry Wars style game demo

Post by arquivista »

Codiak wrote:Ok I could make it so that you first face one ship, then two, then three and then the max of four. There is a difficulty change, if you keep destroying the blue ships you will come across tougher green ships and then red ships. There is a hp bar but maybe you're saying a number would be better? I think having a fullscreen toggle would be best.
Sorry, I really didn't noticed the hp bar and the slow decreasing wasn't very perceptive. Also making the hp the same colour than the ship wasn't good for understanding that and I thought that was part of the ship. And things at the start happen so fast and furious that we need concentrate running and firing so couldn't figure out the hp decrease. ^^

The bar itself is fine but need a different color for sure. Also a box/line surrounding hp bar could be helpful for notice better the hp decrease and the amount of damage already taken.

Increasing the ships like you said would be great because it's already a bit hard to survive the initial swarm of blue ships. I'd love to reach the green and red ones but the blue one seems to regenerate too quickly in our back :)

Another sugestion that could be nice. When hit our ship could change briefly color so we can notice better bullet hits.

Resolution switch would be perfect.

P.S. After a lot of running and running around the screen border to stay alive I finally saw a green one. :D
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Re: Geometry Wars style game demo

Post by ninwa »

Codiak wrote:
ninwa wrote:Are you looking for any developers to help with the project?
Interesting thought. I have still to decide whether to take it further although I have written notes on what can be added. If you are interested in helping though then that's good motivation for me.
Absolutely. If you ever decide on it you can always reach me here on these forums or AIM ('ninw4')

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Re: Geometry Wars style game demo

Post by Codiak »

I've uploaded a new version of the game to my initial post. Here are the updates:

- Starts windowed with a resolution of 1280x720 (can't be much smaller as it reduces space to move in the game). You can press F11 to go fullscreen but for some reason it won't go back.
- Enemy spawns a little more gradual at the start.
- Health bars consistent across all unit types and hopefully are more clear.
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Re: Geometry Wars style game demo

Post by arquivista »

Codiak wrote:I've uploaded a new version of the game to my initial post. Here are the updates:

- Starts windowed with a resolution of 1280x720 (can't be much smaller as it reduces space to move in the game). You can press F11 to go fullscreen but for some reason it won't go back.
- Enemy spawns a little more gradual at the start.
- Health bars consistent across all unit types and hopefully are more clear.
Seems much better now. Starting with two mobs also woudn't shock anyone. A sugestion now that you have Window mode. Use love.mouse.setGrab to confine mouse to window since using mouse in window border and fire click with left button make a lot of "accidents" in OS.
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