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Re: Simply Pong!

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:39 pm
by Larsii30
coffee wrote:
EDITED: Also sorry for anything said in joke form I said before and was clearly misinterpreted.
no need to apologize :p
Lafolie wrote:It's usual for an updated .love to be posted after bugfixes so that we can play the game :)
Updated, wasn't really a "bug" just a "umlaut" :o
How many of you use OSX ? I've never tried it in my life.

Re: Simply Pong!

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:42 pm
by Lafolie
I pretty much use it exclusively, can't stand anything else. I have windows for games and ubuntu for testing stuff, I'll try the updated version.


Works great! Well done man. One thing I would change is the label "enemy" to "CPU". Pong doesn't really warrant the term "enemy" for your opposition, unless it's Pong of War (which would be smelly boots right? ha) :roll: