Love Editor

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Re: Love Editor

Post by coffee »

qaisjp wrote:The hardest part is the file-browser so that people can open existing projects FROM OUTSIDE THE APPDATA DIRECTORY, should I just let it open projects created by the editor (it should be possible if they provide the full path, but that's just messy - gui ftw)
coffee wrote:It's always funny to watch that kind of future projects that already have already precisely defined keys but yet really didn't understood in what is getting on. Since you say this is will be done in LOVE I sure you will not have fun at all doing this and this will waste your time from now on. A framework with very basic native support for text display and no rich text editing. There isn't yet also a bullet-proof finished library for easily do it. I'm sure indentation, colored syntax highlighting will be done snapping your fingers. Right. Your intention is nice but basically you doing this with the wrong tool. ... -28-58.png
This was done in a 3D game multiplayer modification using the update and draw functions (it wasn't called update and draw, but understood as that)
I saw that being made from scratch up (I gave him ideas and saw him make it in his server) - I can say that it is possible from within Love.
A totally irrelevant screenshot of something done with Lua but not powered by LOVE .
Possible in LOVE yes. How long it will take? A LOT. It will be done easily? No. It will be good/fast? Possible no. I will would be done easier, quickier and efficiently in some other framework? Absolutely. Matter of fact, all LOVE IDE's that comes popping in forum are never done in LOVE. I wonder why? Wait, maybe because LOVE is a game oriented framework, not a APP framework with all that resources that would be handy for this kind of project.

EDITED: And you didn't even do your homework or are ignoring Roland. Open things from outside love identity folder was already done. I remember that nice project. I helped debugging some things in OSX. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9479
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Re: Love Editor [MAIN POST UPDATED!]

Post by Positive07 »

Let him do whatever he wants to do :ehem: if he really wants to do this then it isnt a waste of time, not for him :crazy: . Also syntax highlighting? just search for snipets within the code! really simple its not that hard, just take a look at Syntilla code and you will understand. Dont be so mean!! :o: making an IDE like this is great an also a project that will cover all the areas of love so he surely will have fun with this, even if he cant finish it! :crazy:
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Re: Love Editor [MAIN POST UPDATED!]

Post by Averice »

Why is everyone so quick to say it shouldn't be done in love? I mean yea it's a game framework with a lot more overhead than what is needed for an IDE( Coupled with LuaJIT it will be even less ), but that shouldn't stop anyone? If you plan out your project properly and optimize where optimization is needed then the overhead of LOVE wouldn't really be noticeable with a project like this( Bar mouse response time, but I rarely use the mouse when programming. ) Indentation, syntax highlighting they're all trivial tasks if you think about them the right way. Not trying to be rude but some people are over-exaggerating the difficulty of some projects.

The only thing that would need a small work around would be prioritizing keystrokes, but that wouldn't be overly difficult either. I'm all for this project and think if done correctly and smartly it could turn out to be something great, nice work so far qaisjp.
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Re: Love Editor

Post by qaisjp »

Thanks for the kind messages.
coffee wrote:I helped debugging some things in OSX. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9479
Thanks for that link, it'll help me a huge amount. About the rest of the post, your opinion is your opinion/
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Re: Love Editor [MAIN POST UPDATED!]

Post by coffee »

Dear @Positive07 and @Averice. I don't mean to mean with no one. Anyone is free to do and waste the time that wants. However I wouldn't stay in clear conscience to not warn that do a rich-feature text editor it in LOVE is way harder than in somewhere else.

Syntax highlight detection is no deal of course! But I didn't say exactly that was the problem. Of course you already saw that change/print colored text is not easily done here (needed for syntax highlight right?). Of course you already saw that LOVE don't have a native scroll support for text. Of course you notice that don't ever have much text font features and properties available normally (not even bolds/italics and other nice stuff). So all needs to be implemented from scratch, all needs to be handled in harder ways. By other words LOVE don't have access to all OS libraries that make coders create editors with eyes closed.

I will just for end remind that even the awesome Robin with his Rich Text library (that only deals with printing) never got well polished. Because Robin's is bad coder? We all know that not!. It's because deal with printed text in LOVE is HARD/COMPLICATED! Yes, because heterogeneous styles in printed text that must be parsed, measured, fragmented, put in pieces cause of highlighted color, warped correctly, possible depending of the technique put in a canvas so that can be scrolled. And that only for printing it. After there is also the real editing stuff. No native copy and past and so on. And I don't want to enter in font problems. For sure don't even have to remind that if need to increase font +1/-1 as some text editors we need to recreate it (and load it again) as another font right?

But yeah if you want to consider a full featured editor in LOVE as an easy thing ok. It's your problem and time. ;)
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Re: Love Editor

Post by qaisjp »

I just started working on this late day before yesterday, well I made a pretty neat menu for the IDE, I'd just like to show you it: ... mhCWElkZFk
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Re: Love Editor

Post by Lafolie »

Tesselode wrote:So...will you be the first to finish your Love IDE?
Hold yer horses he hasn't started yet.

Edit: I see there is now a google docs profile for some reason.
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Re: Love Editor

Post by Averice »

Can always Bind SDL_ttf to Lua for more font control (bold/italics). Although SDL_ttf isn't as efficient as freetype.
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Re: Love Editor

Post by 10$man »

coffee wrote:It's always funny to watch that kind of future projects that already have precisely defined keys but yet really didn't understood in what is getting on. Since you say this is will be done in LOVE I sure you will not have fun at all doing this and this will waste your time from now on. A framework with very basic native support for text display and no rich text editing. There isn't yet also a bullet-proof finished library for easily help do it. I'm sure indentation, colored syntax highlighting will be not done snapping your fingers. Right. Your intention is nice but basically you doing this with the wrong tool.
Maybe this isn't the best tool. Actually, I'm sure it's not the best tool. But why is that a reason to tell him he doesn't know what he's talking about and he's wasting his time?
If he doesn't want to learn C/C++/C#/Java to make an editor, then screw all that, make it in Love! There's no rule against it.

This is a neat project, but so far it seems like you have alot of great functions planned but not a whole lot to show for it.
The one screen shot you posted nearly anyone who has a basic understanding of love could make in ~5-10 minutes.
This doesn't mean your project is a bad idea or I think you should quit or anything like that. By all means, continue! Follow through and finish this!
But next time, you probably shouldn't post until you at least have a Demo you can release.
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Re: Love Editor

Post by Positive07 »

Of course you already saw that change/print colored text is not easily done here (needed for syntax highlight right?). Of course you already saw that LOVE don't have a native scroll support for text. Of course you notice that don't ever have much text font features and properties available normally (not even bolds/italics and other nice stuff). So all needs to be implemented from scratch, all needs to be handled in harder ways.
Who cares?!! Also which IDE let you do nice stuff with the text? Word is not an IDE.
By other words LOVE don't have access to all OS libraries that make coders create editors with eyes closed.
Okey. Then... MAKE THEM which is the problem?
I will just for end remind that even the awesome Robin with his Rich Text library
Okey then... its not imposible it just takes time.. thats what you are saying right?
After there is also the real editing stuff. No native copy and past and so on. And I don't want to enter in font problems. For sure don't even have to remind that if need to increase font +1/-1 as some text editors we need to recreate it (and load it again) as another font right?
Ohh so creating a new font is hard?
But yeah if you want to consider a full featured editor in LOVE as an easy thing ok. It's your problem and time.
Then... why do you keep replying? why do you keep complaining?
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