Most efficient way to draw a tilegrid(spritebatch vs canvas)

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Re: Most efficient way to draw a tilegrid(spritebatch vs can

Post by tv_user »

Why would you want to keep changing the quads in a sprite batch? Isn't the spritebatch is supposed to work like a tile map: you create it and load an entire map once (at the beginning of the game or upon entering the area) and then just render it every frame with the desired X and Y displacement?
I must admit I've never used it before, but I would only find it useful if it works like this. Otherwise, I'd just design myself a 'class' to handle a quad array. That would probably be the best and most optimized way to draw a tile map.
What do you guys think?

EDIT: ok, after checking the wiki for a while I realize that a spritebatch is just a bunch of sprites and/or quads that are grouped to be rendered together. It doesn't seem to be possible to move a sprite batch along the Y/X axis, is it?
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