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Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:58 pm
by Wojak
Windows 64 version:
1) on the instructions screen i could jump to the half of the screen, and fall very slow
2) in the first stage, every time i hit the enemy the jump hight changed (first it was impossible to jump over the enemy, every kill increased the jump size by a pixel or so)
3) using the lever above the spanner freezes the game
tried to play two times - same results...
Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:39 pm
by raen79
I am aware of the bugs you experienced, and luckily already solved them
try the new version on the website
only a few computers experience these bugs, and I have repaired them
Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:03 am
by raen79
Hey guys, I AM REALLY REALLY SORRY, the recent file I uploaded was the WRONG one, anyway, here is the new one, enjoy
Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:57 am
by g-ho4
Your new version works perfectly now on my computer
The demo is too short
Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 2:52 pm
by raen79
I am very glad you enjoyed it
I'll make sure to make the second demo a bit more meaty
Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:59 pm
by raen79
Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:02 pm
by kikito
Downloaded it. Was an .exe
I can't execute those. Please provide a .love .
Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:02 pm
by raen79
Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:49 pm
by josefnpat
kikito wrote:Downloaded it. Was an .exe
I can't execute those. Please provide a .love .
kikito, this is what I do when I encounter such a thing.
Code: Select all
seppi@seppi7:~/Downloads/love$ mkdir pauz
seppi@seppi7:~/Downloads/love$ cd pauz/
seppi@seppi7:~/Downloads/love/pauz$ mv /home/seppi/Downloads/PauZ\ .
seppi@seppi7:~/Downloads/love/pauz$ ls
seppi@seppi7:~/Downloads/love/pauz$ unzip PauZ\
Archive: PauZ
inflating: OpenAL32.dll
inflating: SDL.dll
inflating: DevIL.dll
inflating: PauZ.exe
seppi@seppi7:~/Downloads/love/pauz$ mv PauZ.exe
seppi@seppi7:~/Downloads/love/pauz$ unzip
warning []: 2990080 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
(attempting to process anyway)
inflating: switchmap.lua
inflating: demoend.lua
inflating: ingamemenu.lua
inflating: lick.lua
inflating: load.lua
inflating: main.lua
inflating: map.lua
inflating: map2.lua
inflating: menu.lua
inflating: richtext.lua
creating: images/
inflating: images/bgt.png
inflating: images/bgt2.png
inflating: images/bgt2.psd
inflating: images/bgtm.png
inflating: images/bgtm2.png
inflating: images/black.png
creating: images/chara/
inflating: images/chara/climb.png
inflating: images/chara/ennemy_run.png
inflating: images/chara/ennemy_still.png
inflating: images/chara/jump.png
inflating: images/chara/run.png
inflating: images/chara/run_cycle.aep
inflating: images/chara/still.png
inflating: images/credits.png
inflating: images/credits.psd
inflating: images/fbgt1.png
creating: images/grass/
inflating: images/grass.png
inflating: images/GRASS2.png
inflating: images/ground.jpg
creating: images/menu/
inflating: images/menu/btm.png
inflating: images/menu/btmi.png
inflating: images/menu/credits.png
inflating: images/menu/creditsi.png
inflating: images/menu/options.png
inflating: images/menu/optionsi.png
inflating: images/menu/play.png
inflating: images/menu/playi.png
inflating: images/menu/restart.png
inflating: images/menu/restarti.png
creating: images/objects/
inflating: images/objects/door.png
inflating: images/objects/door_color.png
extracting: images/objects/ladder.png
extracting: images/objects/lever.png
inflating: images/objects/lever_color.png
inflating: images/objects/p1.png
inflating: images/objects/p2.png
inflating: images/objects/sword.png
creating: images/smoke/
inflating: images/smoke/SMOKE.png
creating: images/Sprites/
inflating: images/Sprites/climb.gif
inflating: images/Sprites/jump.gif
inflating: images/Sprites/run.gif
inflating: images/Sprites/square_run.gif
inflating: images/Sprites/stand.gif
inflating: images/Sprites/Thumbs.db
inflating: images/Sprites/walk.gif
creating: images/text/
inflating: images/text/demo_finish.png
inflating: images/text/finish_level.png
extracting: images/text/ladder.png
inflating: images/text/move_jump.png
inflating: images/text/sword.png
inflating: images/text/use_f.png
creating: music/
inflating: music/sound1.mp3
inflating: music/sound2.mp3
inflating: music/soundtrack.mp3
inflating: anal.lua
inflating: bounding_box.lua
inflating: conf.lua
I would also like to mention, full screen really blows up my computer. You can change that in conf.lua.
Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:02 pm
by raen79
Update, I have just released the demo for mac OS X
and tonight I will be releasing the demo for linux