It'd be nice to have it built into LOVE so I don't have to build my own Linux and OS X versions, but alas, no one else seems to think SQLite is worth using. Even though it's a very mature piece of software, it seems people here would rather recreate the wheel. I'm using SQLite because I'm storing actual data, not just configuration settings. And I have a
lot of data - potentially millions of stars and planets.
I need to redo orbiting and make orbits for planets deterministic so one could enter a system and find everything where it should be, not where it was the last time they were there...
And it turns out, adding the save system has prompted me to redo much of how I handled entity creation. I've created a nice little entity factory class to handle that for me. When I'm done, everything should be pretty seamless. I think I'll also rethink camera focus transitions... it'd perhaps be better if the camera panned to the station and then zoomed in when switching from planet view, rather than just snapping into a non-rotating zoomed in view.
I would also like to figure out my own arc function, so I can draw a nice radial UI rather than go with rectangles. I like circles, can you tell? That'd also introduce some really, really cool possibilities for the UI. For example, what if the planet interaction UI popped up as arcs lined up with the planet's edge? That'd be
really cool.
It's a shame that doesn't easily allow for removing those ugly radii. I'd like to draw just the arc, thank you very much!