So why would we bother with XML, Json, or other formats unless absolutely necessary? We can just use Lua! It allows us to do a lot of different things that would be nothing but extra work in any other format. For example, here's a basic space station hub module's settings:
Code: Select all
HubModule.ModuleSettings = {
1 = {
Name = "Basic Hub",
Description = "",
ImageFilename = "N/A",
Bins = {
In = ModulePresets.Bin.Disabled()
Out = ModulePresets.Bin.Disabled()
Both = ModulePresets.Bin.AllNoPeople(150)
People = ModulePresets.Bin.OnlyPeople(25)
BuildingParameters = {
1 = {
Name = "Constructing basic frame",
Required = true,
Labor = {
{ Type = Resources["engineer"], Manhours = 10 },
{ Type = Resources["laborer"], Manhours = 100 },
Resources = {
{ Resources["bundles of titanium beams"], 10, true },
2 = {
Name = "Plating outer hull",
Required = true,
Labor = {
{ Type = Resources["engineer"], Manhours = 20 },
{ Type = Resources["laborer"], Manhours = 200 },
Resources = {
{ Resources["bundles of titanium plates"], 10, true }
3 = {
Name = "Building internal structure",
Required = true,
Labor = {
{ Type = Resources["engineer"], Manhours = 5 },
{ Type = Resources["laborer"], Manhours = 100 },
Resources = {
{ Resources["bundles of titanium beams"], 4, true },
{ Resources["bundles of titanium plates"], 5, true },
{ Resources["spools of electrical wiring"], 2, true },
{ Resources["bundles of high pressure pipes"], 2, true },
4 = {
Name = "Installing internal computer system",
Required = true,
Labor = {
{ Type = Resources["engineer"], Manhours = 100 },
Resources = {
{ Resources["computer system"], 10, true },
5 = {
Name = "Furnishing interior",
Required = false,
Labor = {
{ Type = Resources["laborer"], Manhours = 10 },
Resources = {
{ Resources["assorted furniture"], 10, true },
Yeah, I know this is simple stuff. But think of the other uses - you could write a table that stores entries and allows you to index them by ID or by name - in fact, I'm doing just that with my Resources table. It doesn't even care if you use a singular form of the name or a plural name. The possibilities are endless, hopefully I've given you some ideas.