Questions about making .exe files and layering shapes

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Questions about making .exe files and layering shapes

Post by EndlessNecro »

So, two questions, quite new, so may sound stupid, but honestly have no clue how to do the following
1) Turning .love files into .exe files
2) Attempting to layer shapes
So, starting with 1, I looked at the wiki, and managed to make a .love file, now I'm trying to make it a .exe file, I've seen this
copy /b game.exe
Thing on the wiki, but when I run it, it says "the system cannot find the file specified", not quite sure what to do.
Now, to 2, In my little game, I'm using all shapes drawn by love2d, however, my issue comes in when I try and draw a basic "upgrade" menu over the screen, and some shapes bleed through over top of it, obscuring the menu. Any information on how to properly layer shapes is good.
Anyway, thanks for any help.
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Re: Questions about making .exe files and layering shapes

Post by Boolsheet »

You have to substitute love.exe with the path to your love executable. If you used the default path of the installer, check "C:\Program Files\LOVE" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\LOVE". Same with Substitute it with the path to your game file.

Code: Select all

copy /b "C:\Program Files (x86)\LOVE\love.exe" + "C:\path\to\" game.exe
As for the other issue, think of it as a canvas that you always draw on top. That means that the first thing you draw will be behind everything and the last thing will be on top. Try to draw the menu last.

What actually goes on inside the hardware is a bit more complicated. By default, it is just one buffer and every rasterized shape and image gets blended with it according to the blend mode.
Shallow indentations.
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