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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by Germanunkol »

Download new version 2 in the first post.

Sorry for the double-post, but trAInsported just got updated!
The new update is not running on the server yet - once it's been tested I'll release it to the (larger) public and update the server. But before then I'd love a few of you lovers to give it a spin and report any bugs. Connecting to the server with version 2 currently breaks the game - I fixed the version check algorithm, so in the future it'll give you a nice error message instead.


I would löve it if some of you could try to beat the three challenge maps and give me some feedback. Even cooler would be if you could make your own map and upload it to share with other users!

The wiki got updated with Game Rules and Game Modes.

Major changes:
  • Game Modes and 2 Map types (influence game play a bit)
  • Added challenge maps
  • You can now also make your own challenge maps... and distribute them through the website!
Other Changes:
  • Edited Tutorial 2 - should, hopefully, be more interesting and less theoretical now.
  • Fixed multiple minor bugs on the server/client connection.
  • Timing issues were corrected - the fast-forward mode should now work correctly.
  • The time until a VIP is no longer a VIP is now dependant on the distance from his spawn point to his destination.
  • Modified AI API - various minor changes.
  • Added lots of functions to the AI API
  • Moved save folder to "trAInsported" instead of "", to make sure it's the same on all systems.
  • Fixed train color issues in live matches. They should now all have the same color every time.
  • Added ability to hide status boxes in-round (to better view the console) using "H" on keyboard.
  • Added multiple statistics to Website
NOTE: On some systems, you may need to move your AIs from %APPDATA%\LOVE\\ to %APPDATA%\LOVE\trAInsported\
Last edited by Germanunkol on Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by AnToHu0 »

I start thinking, that it is not encoding trouble. Chronology of my actions:
I ran command "love.exe C:\Users\Антон\AppData\Roaming\LOVE\trAInsported\ --console" in cmd.exe and got this output:

Code: Select all

Scanning dir:   C:/Users/╨Р╨╜╤В╨╛╨╜/AppData/Roaming/LOVE/trAInsported/AI
Result of enumerate:
io.popen can be used
Windows detected
Files found:    0
Same pseudographic symbols appears in console when starting game with --console option. It`s a KOI-8R-like output, and i think it`s caused by cmd default output encoding, but i`m not sure. Also i try different encodings, but can`t decode "╨Р╨╜╤В╨╛╨╜" to normal russian text anyway.
Output of "dir" command is empty.

after that i put one file to AI folder and ran it again:

Code: Select all

Scanning dir:   C:/Users/╨Р╨╜╤В╨╛╨╜/AppData/Roaming/LOVE/trAInsported/AI
Result of enumerate:
                1       123.lua
io.popen can be used
Windows detected
Files found:    1
It`s strange.
Here the in-game console output:

Also I have an idea: if you fix this encoding bug we can make localizations.
All we ned is:
  • 1. Store all text data in individual files like "localeEng.lua", "localeRu.lua" etc.
    2. Include this files to game and requests text strings like this:

    Code: Select all

    locale = require("localeEng.lua")
    tutorialSteps[k].stepTitle = locale.tut1.steps[k].title
    3. ...
    4. Profit!
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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by Germanunkol »

Hey, thanks for your tests!
If I interpret the results correctly, it finds the files but cannot open them using Can you try if there's any changes in the new version (Version 2, get it from the first post: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=15166)?

I tried making Locales for my last project. It was quite a hazzle, because it's text based and Love can't get all the user input. However, in this game, there's no user input needed, so it might just work...
trAInsported - Write AI to control your trains
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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by AnToHu0 »

I just ran version 2 and found, that my AI file is visible for game, but it still cant create tutorialAI files.

UPD: The most interesting thing is that i can choose AI file by name in the main menu, but when round starts, game doesn`t see the script and do nothing.
Last edited by AnToHu0 on Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by Germanunkol »

Can you try the attached version, please?

Note that in the new version, it will use .../trAInsported/AI and not .../ as before.
If it doesn't work, can you give me the console output again?
Thanks for your patience!

Edit: you beat me to it, so the following is probably not interesting any more... hm.
When it finds the ai files in compete mode, does that only mean it lists them for you to choose, or will it also run them when you start the round?
You can test with this simple ai, just place it into the trAInsported/AI folder.:

Code: Select all

function ai.init()
Testing TutorialAI creation.
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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by AnToHu0 »

In attached version tutorial AI`s creates succsessfully, but in game AI still doesn`t work.
Here the output:
UPD: also if i ran the game with --console option then tut files are not creating, but without this option all is OK=)
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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by Germanunkol »

Okay, from your log I gather that you were able to load the challenge map, so love.filesystem.load seems to work. I made a new version that falls back to using in case the does not work. Care to try this one?

I have no idea what the problem about the --console option is... that sounds very, very strange to me.
Added fallback if does not work because of cyrillic characters.
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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by AnToHu0 »

Yeah! It works! Thanks a lot!
Also if you decide to make locales i`m always ready to help)
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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by Germanunkol »

@ asfreng,

I updated the server and in the process I noticed that the connection is pretty bad whenever your AI is playing. It seems that the processor of my Server can't take all the calculations you're doining... I'll probably have to cut down the number of lines players are allowed to use... :(
Or buy a proper server, but I'd need to pay rent for one, and as the project is open-source, I want to avoid that...

Edit: I cut down the time and it seems to run better now. However, Your AI might no longer perform as well as before... just to let you know it's my doing, now yours.
trAInsported - Write AI to control your trains
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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Post by asfreng »

np dude, thats its free xD, how can i test my AI using the numbers of lines u are using in the server?
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