Circular Confusion

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Circular Confusion

Post by racarate »

So, I'm trying to use LOVE to reproduce some figures in my geometry book and I can't understand what's going on with

It seems like it draws a segment, that is a piece of pie. I thought that setting radius to zero might make it draw just the arc, but no luck.

Is there any way to draw *just* the portion or the circle that I want (like a rainbow)?

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Re: Circular Confusion

Post by Kyle »

Nope. That function is curiously missing that. I ran into the same problem the other day. You can, however, create your own arc function that would simply draw a number of lines, since that's all does anyway (the segments argument actually defines how many lines to do.)
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Re: Circular Confusion

Post by micha »

This question has popped up before. The arc function draws the radii, as well. If you want it without, at the moment you have to write something on your own. I did this you can use the function from this thread:
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Re: Circular Confusion

Post by T-Bone »

It's pretty easy to implement on your own. Although for a 2D graphics framework I guess you could expect it to be included.

A fun and ugly solution is to use a combination of line circles and :neko:
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